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Re: The Swim 'a ha' Thread [LoriT]
LoriT wrote:
I had no idea I'd been doing it "wrong" all these years...! Yet, I can't wrap my mind around what it would take to be competitive in the 50y free, loads more in the weight room, loads more in the pool, all for me to take few secs off my best time. Yes, to be really good at sprinting, requires a shit ton of work. It's a huge effort for so "little" time reduction, and sprinting leaves no room for mental or technical errors... I like outdoor scenery too.

Doesn't mean you can't be a great middle/distance swimmer though, just maybe your best skill sets are at the sprint. I'm actually in a sustained period of cutting my yardage down every few weeks and getting faster and faster. Some of that can be from a bit of inadvertent taper, but 'loads more in the pool' I'm not. I think my sweet spot might be right about 10k a week. Dry land routine in 90 minutes twice a week same as usual. It's fun for sure though I enjoy it much more than staring at the black line for endless mind numbing threshold sets!

I'm not fast by any stretch, but been knocking down some barriers that I never thought I would lately which has me on kind of a buzz. I was very stale with swimming middle and longer distances. Might go back one day who knows, but enjoying the sprint side of things for now!
Last edited by: tigerpaws: Sep 12, 13 11:42

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  • Post edited by tigerpaws (Dawson Saddle) on Sep 12, 13 11:42