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Re: Tri America Louisville [Marisol]
You do swim in the Ohio, and it isn't bad. If the current is too bad, they shuttle you up to Cox's park and it is all downstream. That happened 2 years ago. Otherwise, half upstream, half down.

Bike course (Oly) middle third has some hills, you go across the bridge into IN (watch the bridge joints, first year they didn't have all of them covered and caused a couple wrecks) and then immediately come back across (watch the turn at the bottom of the bridge, huge wreck last year). Then go out River Rd (flat, with wind) until you climb up Blankenbaker, long semi-steep climb. Ride out Brownsboro Rd is rolling hills, last part is all on River Rd and all flat as a pancake, but usually into the wind. Fairly challenging bike course (esp if the wind kicks up), fun. Best part of the race.

Run (Oly) is across the bridge again into IN and along the river over there. Boring flat run over there. But the transition area and finish are on the Great Lawn, right downtown on the River and pretty nice. Little bit of a run from swim exit to T1.

I haven't done the sprint but I looked at the course on the website. Bike turnaround is before all the hills begin on Blankenbaker Road, so the only "climb" is across the 2nd Street Bridge and back. Otherwise, all flat on River Road, out with wind usually and back against usually. Run turns around on the bridge, so all of your run is downtown and you don't go into IN, which is a good thing. In past years they have had problems with enough volunteers at aid stations over there, and getting water. First year one water stop was using a hose to fill up discarded cups. I think they solved that problem.

Hey, it isn't a bad race. It comes at a bad time for me this year, gearing up for IM MOO. Otherwise, I would do it. May still. Or volunteer. Did that last year.
Last edited by: bluemonkeytri: Jul 20, 05 7:21

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  • Post edited by bluemonkeytri (Dawson Saddle) on Jul 20, 05 7:21