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Re: 2013 TdF thread (spoiler alert) [Power13]
Power13 wrote:
echappist wrote:
flyrunride wrote:
I can't wait for the mountains to come. I wasn't expecting this but that's why Contador is always good to have in a race :)

it's not just Contador (though his racing sense is very good). It's also Bjarnes. As i said earlier, the man knows how to plan a race, whether or not you agree with his checkered past.

Recall Nick Nuyens with 2 wins in the classics in 2011 and Kreuziger with Amstel in 2013, all of them very tactical victories

Spot on. This has Riis fingerprints all over it, not AC. Dude is a brilliant tactician.

Apparently it was Roche and Rogers wanting to give it a go, a quick look back to Alberto, he gave the nod and they hit the gas full on. Never even ran it by the team car.

Edit: Here's the article

Nicholas Roche recounted how it went down: “I said to Michael, ‘let’s do something.’ Mick looked back, and Alberto gave the nod. Then Michael said, ‘let’s go!’ And off we went. It was something that was decided in three seconds.”
In an instant, the six riders from Saxo pounced. There were no more words exchanged. No one waited for orders. No radio checks to the sport director. Everyone knew what to do.
Last edited by: Landyachtz: Jul 12, 13 13:05

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  • Post edited by Landyachtz (Dawson Saddle) on Jul 12, 13 13:05