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Re: 2013 TdF thread (spoiler alert) [echappist]
Yet, another day that I watch and think this is a very curious result.

So one day Sky is super strong decimating the whole race even more than usual. Which clearly sends a bunch of red flags among those that are keeping the blinders off.

Now today complete reversal. ZERO Skybots able to stay at the front for more than 1/4 stage?! I would be able to understand 1 or 2 guys paying for magical ride yesterday and bonking today. But the ENTIRE team (except the yellow jersey) paying for it all at the same time, on the same day---just completely odd for the Skybots. Seems convenient .

I guess my red flag radar from yesterday must have been way off since all the Skybots seemed so "human" today-----:rolleyes:.

I am pretty sure the Skybots will figure out a way to "recover" and be there if and when anyone is able to gain back enough time to challenge for the yellow jersey. If Froome is able to keep 1-2 min+ lead on everyone, then who cares how isolated he seems to be.
Last edited by: magmd: Jul 7, 13 11:34

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  • Post edited by magmd (Cloudburst Summit) on Jul 7, 13 11:33
  • Post edited by magmd (Cloudburst Summit) on Jul 7, 13 11:34