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Re: City bills cyclist $1,200 for damage to police car that struck him [strongnshaved]
Well where I live the cops sit at the bottom of the hills with radar guns and extort, pardon me, cite, when we go just 7-8% over the posted speed limit even for just a few seconds (37 in a 35 is a ticket and I'm not kidding), and troll private parking lots with automated license plate scanners, then wait in an ambush on the public road for those with expired tabs to pull out of the parking lot. Tell me how do those tactics protect and serve and keep us safe? They don't. It's a revenue source, plain and simple. Everyone knows it.

The cops don't want to pay for the car repair, so they are attempting to make the repair bill someone else's problem. They were probably expecting the guy to just pay up. Instead he went public with the story. Good.
Edit: dang I thought this was the Lavender Room... this should be moved there.
Last edited by: Dilbert: Apr 8, 13 14:41

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  • Post edited by Dilbert (Dawson Saddle) on Apr 8, 13 14:41