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Re: Dirt bag picked the wrong cyclists [gregf83]
gregf83 wrote:
MOP_Mike wrote:
However, understanding why drivers become infuriated by cyclists can help reduce the frequency of this type of occurrence.
Isn't this analogous to forcing women to cover up and not show any skin to prevent men from being 'turned on' and sexually assaulting the tramps and sluts walking around with their legs exposed?


Civil behavior on public roads requires courtesy and obeying traffic laws by all. Those that disregard these tenets infuriate others, whether they're drivers, cyclists, or pedestrians.

Skimpy clothing is not illegal. Blowing stop signs or not keeping right (in places) is. (Not that clothing, stop signs, or keeping right is an issue in this particular case.)

Of course I don't believe that scantily-clad women are responsible should they be assaulted. Nor do I believe that cyclists are responsible when they are. But, cyclists as a group do bear some responsibility for infuriating drivers. That does not imply that being infuriated justifies assault.

I'm a cyclist too. I've ridden tens of thousands of miles on public roads in the US and had my share of honks, rude comments, and buzz by's. I get it. But I've also seen lots of dumb-ass riding by cyclists that fuels driver animosity towards us. This we-got-to-stick-together-it's-us-against-the-drivers tribe mentality is counter productive.

We're really looking at two separate issues as this thread has diverged:

1) This driver (assuming the information provided so far is accurate) assaulted a group of cyclists and should be punished for his actions.

2) Cyclists in general, not necessarily in this particular case, aren't doing themselves any favors when they ride irresponsibly/illegally/discourteously.

Some on this thread have conflated these two issues and/or have misunderstood my posts here.

"100% of the people who confuse correlation and causation end up dying."
Last edited by: MOP_Mike: Feb 23, 13 17:08

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  • Post edited by MOP_Mike (Dawson Saddle) on Feb 23, 13 17:08