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Re: February Swims - post 'em here [ajthomas]
Kinda agree after today's swim,

500 wu
10 x 200p w/band (only), 1-5 @ 3:45, 5-10@ 4:00
2 x 200 @ 3:00
100 cd

Stuck doing pulls bc of injury so decided to use band (no bouy/paddles) for main sets. Felt some odd changes in stroke after taking off the band, no sure exactly what. I think it's better to adapt to fast swimming and the band is a lot slower for me, especially with open turns.

some days you're the windshield some days the bug
Last edited by: unclerock: Feb 5, 13 7:12

Edit Log:

  • Post edited by rdmyers (Dawson Saddle) on Feb 5, 13 7:12: correct typos