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Re: IMAZ "Cheating"...? [trimomtri]
I'm sure the insurance company attorneys would like to argue that they could charge more for that coverage... yet any good attorney could point out that it accounts for no increase in risk compared to all people racing with the bib's they bought.

3000 people paid = 3000 people covered. It's not like they charge different rates depending on your health, age, sex (since entry fees are all the same for any given race).

As many of you know insurance is a "risk" business.

WTC should have coverage assigned to bib #'s in rewriting the policy, thus excluding the risk they are putting their athletes at currently.

To allow an insurance company to have the out is negligence on WTC's part (and all athletes will continue to be at risk, since there's no way to prevent the scenario we just discussed). As it's WTC who should protect it's athletes from all circumstances (as the event organizer).
Last edited by: C|earwater: Nov 20, 12 18:50

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  • Post edited by C|earwater (Cloudburst Summit) on Nov 20, 12 18:50