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Re: Dirty Secrets [snackattack]
This is fun!!!
  • I hate the way old people count their money- "The total is 48 dollars?...Here's oooone, twoooo, threeee, foooour...hold on, what was the total again?"
  • I want to kill people that drive in the left lane when they aren't passing
  • I could eat Chipotle as my only source of calories for the rest of my life
  • I love my 8 month old to death, but given a chance to play with her or go ride with my friends, I would ride every time.
  • I've never done cocaine because I know I wouldn't have the self control to do it only recreationally
  • I miss getting drunk every couple of days
  • I only sort of miss my Dad...but I really miss my Uncle (both are dead)
  • Someday I will live the song Margaritaville-most days I want to live it right now
  • I look at fat people and think they are weak and have no self control
Oh-And I want to kill people that smoke in front of their kids!

Last edited by: Vita-man: May 16, 05 9:16

Edit Log:

  • Post edited by Vita-man (Cloudburst Summit) on May 16, 05 9:16