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Re: Lake Placid June 7/8- Whiteface (13K, 1100m vertical) + Epicman (3/180/21.1) [KAlber]
Oh, my aching taint...

It was so cool hanging out and training with all of you in Lake Placid; perfect conditions on both days and great company. There's not much more to add about the Whiteface climb and Epicman; you guys have said it all. Just a word on Subway/McD's vs, the Brew Pub - normally I would never refuse an invite to good food and beer, but for me this weekend it was all about being efficient - getting my meals quickly and then organizing/recovering/resting for the next event. As much as I would have loved to join you guys, I had other things to get ready for.

Got back to Ottawa about 8:30 on Friday, then gathered gear and food for the next two days' rides. Woke up at 5:15 Saturday morning, ate, drank several gallons of coffee, cycled to Carleton University with Mrs. Rolldown, dropped our bags off, then headed to Kingston via the 220k Challenge Route on the Rideau Lakes Cycle Tour. Mrs. Rolldown doesn't have as much top-end speed as she used to, but her diesel engine is as good as ever, so while we were slow-ish, we rode at a consistent speed. If there is such a thing as a nine-hour recovery ride, that's what I did on Saturday. Sunday we took the Classic Route back to Ottawa, 180k in just over seven hours.

With a couple of mid-week long rides, from Sunday to Sunday I rode over 1040k, did a couple of token swims and runs, and worked out for 43 hours. Oh, and put in 3.5 days at the office. I'm pretty sure that's the biggest eight-day training stretch of my life. Other than an aching taint and a bit of general fatigue, I really don't feel too badly today.

Thanks, Dev, for organizing another successful Epicman, and thanks for everybody's great company! Until Epicman Tremblant...

Last edited by: Rolldown: Jun 11, 12 10:39

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  • Post edited by Rolldown (Cloudburst Summit) on Jun 11, 12 10:39