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Pro Triathlete in need of driveway/backyard. Seriously. Tell your Friends.
22year old pro triathlete in Nassau County, NY. I'll be attending grad school at Adelphi University next year. The house were I currently live is a cross between a cave and a methlab, and even for the cheap rent, I can't live there while potentially assistant coaching. Just too much liability with the NCAA, and I'm tired of all my clothing smelling like Tommy Chong.

I can't afford rent anywhere else- $800 bucks to live in a room in a house is RIDICULOUS, no matter how quiet . Right now, I pay $240 but I am tired of hearing my roommates having sex/crying/playing trumpet/dropping acid/whatever else they are doing. I need a new living situation, and after getting discouraged with craigslist, i went in a new direction.

so, being the crafty crabapple that I am, I picked up a 14' camper trailer from my buddy's truck shop. We are repairing it now, inside out. It will look respectable- not like some redneck hunting trailer, but hopefully more like a mobile office or something. maybe i'll put dimples in the siding for better aerodynamics. I plan on painting it, and I can paint it to match your house or car or something. I will not be towing the trailer anywhere- Its staying put for the duration of my living on your driveway.

So, rent me your driveway or backyard. I am pretty handy, an experienced landscaper, a CPO- certified pool operator- so I can keep your pool squeaky clean. Apart from the trailer, I have a car as well, which I can park on the street. I surf quite a bit when the waves are good. I generally keep to myself, and like to train alone, but I'm down for a ride or run if you want. My girlfriend is a currently a dancer in NYC- a modern/ballet dancer, don't get any crazy ideas- and she will probably visit about 2x a week. I'm rarely home, with practice and class, and a campus job, and training.

As for what I need, well, not much. Water is crucial, and I would pay or it. As for heat and electricity, I could plug in to your house, and obviously pay a share of the electricity bill, or I could use the generator, which is loud. This trailer is pretty small, so a space heater should do an adequate heating job. My room at the moment doesn't have heat, and this winter wasn't that bad, so the heat thing is nice but not crucial- though the insulation of the trailer might not be that good. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Electricity is pretty important, I need to charge my stuff. Internet is important, i need to email my coach- Mike Monastero of Babylon Bike! awesome coach!- workouts daily, so a house that has wireless internet is ideal. I would obviously pay for internet if you've got it.

Basically, I'm looking for someone who, for less than $400 a month- including utilities-, would let me rent their driveway. I wouldn't have anything mailed to me, and, other than the trailer in the driveway and the car on the street, you wouldn't know I'm even there. I will give you a credit check, and a resume with references. I am pretty good about paying rent on time.

PM me, and we can work it out. Or, if you have an apartment for rent, PM me as well. Living in a trailer is probably not as cool as it sounds.
Last edited by: tweickelberg: Apr 8, 11 8:48

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  • Post edited by tweickelberg (Cloudburst Summit) on Apr 8, 11 8:48