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ITBS: running out of ideas
I've been working with a PT for 6 months and have made some improvements, but I'm still exactly where I started with my knee. I've been through hip repositioning and glute strengthening exercises as well as all kinds of stretching, but my knee still locks up after 20 min or running. I have been able to extend this by living on NSAID's and ice, but I can always feel the inflammation just waiting to explode and hobble me.

At my last appt, my PT suggested arch supports and basically said if this doesn't work to consider just not running anymore.

Its not that I don't trust my PT, but she's not a runner so we don't seem to be on the same page. So I'm looking for some advice from the runners who are either PT's or who have fought and won this battle.

I'm curious about the shoe idea. Could something as simple as arch support be the root cause of the problem? I did pick up a pair of superfeet insoles with moderate arch support and I the right foot (problem side) feels like its supporting much more weight...so I suppose that means that arch is collapsing more?

Should I just continue on the plan of exercise, stretching and running inside my limits or should I explore something else? Should I bring up the cortizone shot option with my PT?

sometimes you just have to eat the cake
Last edited by: VO2Matt: Jul 23, 10 12:16

Edit Log:

  • Post edited by VO2Matt (Dawson Saddle) on Jul 23, 10 12:16