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Re: WTB - Wheel Truing Stand [fa590]
Just to save you a few bucks.....use your front fork.....if you know how to true a wheel I'm going to assume you can adjust and set your brakes properly.

I sold my truing stand once my buddy at the LBS trued my wheel for me while it sat on the bike! He smiled and said 'don't tell anyone it will kill my business'. I was going to take it home, but he opened his trunk and grabbed his tool box and trued it in the parking lot!

Seriously it's that easy. As long as the axle hubs are seated in the drop outs properly you are good to go. .01" is good enough for me. Forks and rear triangles are made in jigs so they are dead nuts on. I have trued more wheels than I can count this way w/o a single issue.
Last edited by: ride2eat: Dec 21, 09 9:35

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  • Post edited by wiffcheese (Dawson Saddle) on Dec 21, 09 9:35