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Re: Profile parts - CarbonX1.5, Cobra base bar, QS2 carbon brake levers [Elie_53]
I did it to mine but I had to sand them (the base bar and also the QS2 brake levers) I spent about 3 hours while watching tv!) and it fits but while I was screwing down the levers in the base bar, it cracked (you may have seen that there is a hole in the carbon just near the bent and I cut too near from that hole). Anyway, the carbon is still very solid and I raced many times like that. But it's not as a clean work as I wanted.
I wanted to know whether the seller also sanded it or if he just figured out it wouldn't work and never tried.
Last edited by: kimaswan: Nov 7, 09 5:47

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  • Post edited by tripot (Cloudburst Summit) on Nov 7, 09 5:46
  • Post edited by tripot (Cloudburst Summit) on Nov 7, 09 5:47