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Re: The Official Ask Me Any Questions About IMC Thread [Rappstar]
(1) How do you determine what your target pace is for an Ironman race. You mention that your targets are based on training, but can you be more specific. What is the testing protocol you use to determine the pace, both for the bike and the run.

(2) What is average cadence typically around?

(3) You mentioned that you train ~25 hours a week. If I remember correctly, you mentioned that were training ~30 hours before your first Ironman, even though you weren't specifically training for Ironman. Putting aside coach, if that is not the reason, why the change.

(4) You mentioned that you rode the IM course 3 times. I'm assuming, perhaps incorrectly, that you bike that long more than just 3 times leading up to an Ironman. How many times and are those long rides all at Ironman pace.

(5) With respect to the 25 hours training week, and while you mentioned you didn't want to give too much away re your training because you felt it was your coach's intellectual property, can you give us a general breakdown of how many hours are swim, bike, run, respectively.

(6) You mention that you regularly do pushups. Do you do any other strength exercises? If so, what? Any weights? Any leg exercises.

(7) Can/will you have a faster bike split than Lance at next year's (or the year after) Kona?

Thanks. Well done and congratulations.
Last edited by: aerobike: Sep 2, 09 0:32

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  • Post edited by aerobike (Dawson Saddle) on Sep 2, 09 0:32