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Re: 'My' Tour of France is Over! [psycholist]
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So you guys aren't really cycling fans as much as Lance fans?

To the contrary. I'm quite a cycling fan. I just don't think this is going to be much of a bike race from here on. I think Contador is going to be on a cake walk to his coronation. I mean ... c'mon ... nobody came close to staying with Contador. You can argue for Andy Schleck, maybe, but it's a weak argument.

Game over.
Most cycling fans pretty well knew that before the tour started. Regardless of who wins, this week is the one to watch. Aren't you remotely interested to see what what Wiggins can do? Whether Kloden makes it on the Podium? Who wins up Ventoux?
Last edited by: sdmike: Jul 19, 09 17:35

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  • Post edited by sdmike (Dawson Saddle) on Jul 19, 09 17:35