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Re: 100 runs in 100 days 2008-2009 Official Thread with Rules, Questions and Smacktalk [Roughster]
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No worries. You know a lot more about run training than me. I won't waste anymore of your time.
I don't think it is fair for someone to pick up their toys and leave just because someone disagrees with them, but eh, they are your toys. One example of why I think it is important for each person to think for themselves is:

Do you feel that the two people below should be training the same way for running:

and ???????

I don't think so, but that has been my perspective from the start: Listen to the masters, but temper it with the reality of my own personal situation and abilities.
The principles are the same. All run training (for 5K and up) is fundamentally marathon training (Lydiard school). Run training for triathlons is very similar to open run training.

Do you know what your zones are? What zone is 158 average heart rate for you? How do you set up your run training, do you set weekly hours or pick a frequency (# of runs) first? Where are you getting your workouts from?

I don't have any problem with people who disagree, if they have some rational basis for their thoughts. I have basically seen you list workouts that I as far as I can see have no definite purpose (specific pace, duration or training goals) in the context of the fundamentals of endurance training. I see a bunch of 30 - 50 minutes workouts that are done at around marathon pace (yet you make it abundantly clear you are not training for marathon, and even if you were you would only do one workout a week at that pace).

Just for the sake of argument, list your last 3 run workouts, what their purpose was, and why the effort was appropriate for the purpose. I'll give an example:

Wed: 9.1 miles on a rolling course, easy pace about 142- 144 HR. Recovery run, intermediate length (to work toward weekly mileage goal).

Thurs: 12.4 miles, 3 x 13 minute tempo (170 - 172 HR) w/ 13 minute jog recovery. Supposed to be 2 x 20 w/ 20 minute rest, made a minor modification. This is the main workout for the week.

Fri: 10 minute jog, 30 minutes weights easy (including stiff leg dead lifts, good mornings and medicine ball lunges, for light strength/flexibility work), 30 minute easy jog. All on flat course for recovery 142 - 144 HR.
Last edited by: Tri_yoda: Mar 20, 09 20:23

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  • Post edited by tri_yoda (Dawson Saddle) on Mar 20, 09 20:23