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Re: U.S. Half Race Report [YabYum]
(edit - just read the insidetri article...the guy I thought was referred to above was NOT the guy w/o the shirt. My apologies. Must have been the 2nd or 3rd guy (as he raced last week in LA as well)

Hopefully my post wasn't making seem like a whiner. Heck, I'd rather have gone shirtless....but didn't want to risk DQ. I've been in races where they pulled people off course. No amount of coolness would have caught me up to his pace.... ;o)

As for the drafting, I'm sure this has been disgusted in detail here, but I'm a firm believer in self-policing. It was perhaps the least amount of drafting I've seen in a race of 400 people. If some ass (or ignorant) is trailing, I don't wait for the official. I'll either do a farmer blow or keep looking back at say "you wanna take the front for a little bit....with a smile, of course".

But, I don't think the problem is ever really "drafting", but rather the person getting passed doesn't move back and psychologically wants to keep pushing the rider who just made the move rather than admit defeat.
Last edited by: Smitty8: Sep 27, 04 12:10

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  • Post edited by Diesel (Dawson Saddle) on Sep 27, 04 12:10