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Re: Periodization - A simple model to structure your training [BarryP]
Well, he is MY coach. Beyond that, I think you are actually doing a disservice with this free advice (you know what they say about free advice, right?). And, I'm not really sure whether you grasp it or not from your answer. You say that my answer is inaccurate, but since I was pointing out the inaccuracy of your previous post, you aren't actually defending yourself in any sensible manner. I discussed, with reference to specificity of energy zones, exactly why base runs are general for 5k and hard trainer sessions are general for Ironman. You haven't done a very good job of refuting what I wrote. Understanding periodization is both simple and complex. I'm not sure that a general "how to" manual will ever work. Which is why people hire coaches, and why people who do hire coaches usually do much better than people who read books by coaches.

And, for the record, I'm not saying you are stupid or unintelligent. I'm saying that, based on what I read about what you wrote, that you don't understand the fundamentals of specificity or periodization. Joel understands it very well. I'll admit that I was taking a bit of a dig at you (so shoot me), but I stand firm that you don't really grasp what you are trying to teach here.

You certainly don't do yourself any favors by calling an inversion of the periodization you describe as a reverse periodization. Rather, that is also just a periodization program, just for a different event, or athlete. And it's not a function of degrees or street cred. By the way, I didn't even know they had state championships for triathlon, which I really don't mean as an insult. I'm just pointing out that that's a bit of an odd thing to hang your hat on. Given the nature of triathlon, especially in the US, most every championship level triathlete came into the game as a novice, unless they are racing on the ITU circuit.

[EDIT] well, didn't do myself any favors by misinterpreting your claims about state champs as being triathletes. I wasn't thinking in the context of who you coach most often - high school runners.

And, I'm not sure you can say "I don't need this shit," when YOU started this thread. If you are going to write a how-to, expect it to be criticized.

"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via." - Seneca | rappstar.com | FB - Rappstar Racing | IG - @jordanrapp
Last edited by: Rappstar: Dec 23, 07 21:00

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  • Post edited by Rappstar (Dawson Saddle) on Dec 23, 07 21:00