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Suspect allergies for poor performance
Over the past 2 weeks I've noticed a big drop in my fitness. My resting HR is 10bpm higher than normal and I'm suffering on the club rides. After a 7 mile run, I feel like I've done a marathon. I'm having labored breathing, tight chest and feel like I can't take a deep breath, and my legs are burning and feel heavy on long climbs. I've also noticed a constant runny nose regardless of effort.

I knew something was wrong last weekend when I was dangling off the back of the 40+ rider club ride on the flats and got dropped by most everyone on the first hill. I'm usually at the front of the pack and climb in the top 10 on the hills. My riding buddies were even asking me w/ a confused look as to my I got dropped so quickly. Note that I've won 1 road crit this year and place 2nd in another, w/ a number of top 10 finishes, so I've had good fitness and shouldn't be getting dropped as badly as I am.

I don't think or feel like I'm over trained as I'm careful w/ my training log and record my efforts and rest periods. I'm still training and haven't lost any motivation.

I've been taking the 24hr Claritin and Benadryl (before bed) for the past few days and they don't seem to be helping.

My tri season is coming up and I need to really kick it up in the swimming and running, so I need to start feeling better ASAP

Curious if any of you have experienced this and if you have any advice? I'm considering seeing a doc this week to see if some type of inhaler would help.

Last edited by: Picklepork: May 20, 07 23:52

Edit Log:

  • Post edited by Picklepork (Cloudburst Summit) on May 20, 07 22:22
  • Post edited by Picklepork (Cloudburst Summit) on May 20, 07 23:52