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Re: Landis offered lighter suspension if he implicates Armstrong [Andrew Coggan]

I'm not sure if you are the person to ask, but I assume (dangerous, I know!) that during an event like the TDF there is enormous destruction of RBCs which could result in decreased aerobic capacity. Given the current testing regime it would be dangerous to use EPO. That being said, one could reinfuse previously removed blood and see some profound rebounds from one day to the next. As long as your blood parameters remained below UCI limits you would be fine. The only problem that could occur is if you reinfused blood that had been removed at a time in the year you were using synthetic testosterone (or any other prohibited substance). Thus, couldn't you test positive for synthetic testosterone or a skewed T/E ratio? This is appears to be what happened to the Finnish (oh, those sneaky Finns!) 10 000 m runner at the 1984 Olympics who tested positive for steroids as a result of blood doping using blood transfused from a steroid user (I think he later suggested the steroid user wasn't him but the donar). See below:

Another Finn, Martti Vainio, was caught in a strange way — he tested positive for steroids after he won the 1,000m (sic) silver in the Los Angeles Olympics and confessed that somehow traces of steroid must have stayed back in his blood which he had stored and later got transfused prior to the games.

* I understand that Martti later "admitted" that he was in fact a steroid user but given the history of Finns using blood doping it would appear possible that he was doing both - blood doping and using steroids.

Is it possible that what really happened to Floyd was that he reinfused prior to his miraculous comeback at the TDF?

Interested in your thoughts.
Last edited by: borealis22: May 11, 07 14:43

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  • Post edited by borealis22 (Cloudburst Summit) on May 11, 07 14:30
  • Post edited by borealis22 (Cloudburst Summit) on May 11, 07 14:43