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Another transition thread
Given complete freedom, where would you rack your bike; near the bike exit, swim entrance, middle ground? Explain.

Assume fair entrances/exits - opposite sides of transition.

I tend to like near the swim entrance. Generally my heart is racing and I want have the earliest opportunity for it to slow down, so the sooner I can stop running after the swim, the better off I am. I leave my bike shoes on the pedals, so running with my bike to the exit is not really hindered; certainly faster than my legs bound up in a wetsuit and my heart about to be puked up. I'm not concerned about where my spot is for T2 (unless the transition layout is unfair with regards to entrances and exits, in which case, I'd rethink my rack position anyway); I'm running as fast with my bike, barefoot, as my first few hundred yards of the real run.

Proud member of FISHTWITCH: doing a bit more than fish exercise now.
Last edited by: HalfSpeed: Mar 27, 07 14:21

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  • Post edited by HalfSpeed (Dawson Saddle) on Mar 27, 07 14:21: clarification