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Re: Triathlon and depression - connected? [Record10Carbon]
Triathlon and depression - connected?

Not for me, but I can tell from some of the threads here and in particular the Ray Britt story that for some/many this may be a reality. I feel deeply sorry for people that have to deal with this. It must be a very challenging situation. Some of the posts over the years from some people here on ST, have sounded very troubling and I do wonder what dark forces are motivating or affecting these people. I must confess, I am never really sure what to say in these situations.

Personally, in an overall way, I have found nothing but joy, happiness and fullfillment with my life long involvement in sport -I realize this sounds corny, but it's true. There have been a a few down times( the odd ill timed injury and the big melt-down at IMH '93), but for me there is no happier time that when I am out training, standing on the starting line or in the middle of a race. At those moments there is no place that I would rather be. If nothing else, the training and racing have been an escape and a time to be on my own from time to time and think pure and uninterupted thoughts.

Steve Fleck @stevefleck | Blog
Last edited by: Fleck: Mar 20, 07 15:31

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  • Post edited by Fleck (Dawson Saddle) on Mar 20, 07 14:45
  • Post edited by Fleck (Dawson Saddle) on Mar 20, 07 15:31