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Re: 12 Days of Christmas Presents for my boyfriend [Picasso_Bull]
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Roo, here it is only November 28th and the amount of thought this girl has put into a Chrimstmas gift for her man is truly inspiring. You don't "get it" because GhiaGirl obviously has enough class to hang out with guys who are well beyond your level. If your idea of a thoughtful gift is a naked girl wrapped in a bow than perhaps you'd be better served on some other website.

Well, the whole 12 days of christmas is actually going to end the 24th, then on the 25th, he'll have nothing left to unwrap except me....or that's my plan anyway ;-)

Or maybe I only need 11 'gifts' and I'll be the 12th...I think that might work...4 Calling Birds could be the iPod (music), 3 French Hens (1 bottle of French Wine, One bottle of nice Cognac, one nice champagne), 2 turtle doves (some homemade...or high end....chocolate caramel concoction), and a partridge in a pear tree (me...of course for the pear tree...I'd just get a pair of green heals....)
Last edited by: GhiaGirl: Nov 28, 06 16:28

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  • Post edited by GhiaGirl (Dawson Saddle) on Nov 28, 06 16:28