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Re: aero helmet recommendations [flashpoint]
I would suggest riding your bike in a 40k time trial averaging >25 MPH to see any real difference. Even in that case, it will be very very small.

So I guess if your goal is to go frrom 56:00 to 54:00 then go and buy an aero-helmet. If your goal is to go from 66:00 to 56:00 then hit the gym in the off season along with you indoor trainer with specific goals as to interval training, HRM, power, etc.

Where are the ST nerds when we need them. I scoured this thread for some "cool" comparison of every aero-helmet ridden indoors and outdoors in every possible permutation of conditions, bike, weight, equipment etc.

I love those people because I think about them when I am out actually riding my bike.

Peace out!
Last edited by: hammerheadny: Nov 22, 06 22:39

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  • Post edited by hammerheadny (Lightning Ridge) on Nov 22, 06 22:38
  • Post edited by hammerheadny (Lightning Ridge) on Nov 22, 06 22:39