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Re: Hoping to register for 2007 IM FLorida online [newbritri]
Well, if my experiences with Wisconsin are any indication you'll need to be poised at your computer, well prepared, necessary documents in hand (credit card #) with a spritely connection as soon as registration goes live.

I think the registration system works, but the races are extremely popular. As a result, you are basically buying tickets to a Beatles reunion- with John Lennon reincarnated. It's a hot ticket.

A couple tips:
  • Don't bog down your connection by trying to register with multiple machines using the same connection. I don't think active.com works well with that.
  • Make sure your connection and hardware are working well before registration comes up live.
  • The registration process includes questions like, "List your triathlon experience..." Obviously, you will want to be succint. Don't take the time to type a resume in there. Keep it super quick. Get through the flowery crap as soon as you can to get to the part where you pay.
  • Watch your e-mail for the confirmations and save them.
  • Check back on the event website to verify that your name is on the list, correctly spelled (since they check your photo I.D. at the event) and that you are in the right category.

Beyond that your chances are pretty decent for getting in. Wisconsin closed somewhere between 37 and 50 minutes depending on who you talk to. Based on the people I've seen here on the forum and in our store about three out of four who tried it got into Wisconsin during the "golden 37 minutes".

Good luck Man.

Tom Demerly
The Tri Shop.com
Last edited by: Tom Demerly: Oct 19, 06 13:54

Edit Log:

  • Post edited by Tom Demerly (Dawson Saddle) on Oct 19, 06 13:54