Trump Watch

your response, which is perfectly rational, reminds me of the cliche where (usually) men try to offer solutions to (usually) womens’ complaints, rather than just listening and making sympathetic noises.

you may be applying a logical filter to a (BS, inane, pandering) feelgood utterance. Logic doesn’t apply in his fanbase, they don’t want to do any actual work, they just want to feel better.

How do you get to them? Make their emotions uncomfortable. Hopefully the debate will do that.

That thread was good as it had local Colorado law enforcement confirming that the story being spread in the right wing echo chamber is nonsense.

Fact check: Has a violent Venezuelan gang taken over Aurora apartments? (

We had a poster post a related false claim here
Migrants approached school buses, didn’t hijack them | Fact check (

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Trump was just starting to make inroads into the latino vote. Doesn’t seem like blatant racism will help. I think even latinos who find the conservative religion and “we got here legally” ideology attractive understand what this post is about, which is scaring white people with pictures of scary brown people.

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From a video he posted tonight. I won’t subject you to the video and accompanying “music.”

I can’t vouch for the accuracy of this as I haven’t listened to the original, but this is doing the rounds. It’s an answer Trump gave at an economic club in NY yesterday, apparently.

Q: What specific legislation will you commit to to make child care affordable?

Trump: Well, I would do that and we’re sitting down, you know, I was, somebody, we had Marco Rubio and my daughter, Ivanka… But I think when you talk about the kind of numbers that I’m talking about that because the child care is, child care couldn’t, you know, there’s something you have to have it in this country, you have to have it… I want to stay with child care… So we’ll take care of it. Thank you.

so have a word with Ivanka and her team of nannies, and support the bill called “We Took Care of It”

reporters need to come to the grips with pressing him on specific when they ask about specific

When they try he throws a fit, calls them nasty and sometimes storms out. He also stops taking questions from that reporter.

The guy who made the video wasn’t sure how they salute in the US

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Does Laura Trump sing?


And Kamala is supposedly the not very smart one.

I want to know the relevancy of sitting down.

What is sad is that after rambling on without ever answering the question, he is proud of himself for his answer. The guy has always been incoherent but what was left of his brain cells have now totally given up.

She certainly makes noise to a musical accompaniment.

I think Kamala-as devil is because the Democrats were mean to Romney for putting the dog on the roof. If it weren’t for that everything would be civil.

Exactly,…this is all the Democrats fault. If they put up someone better than Hillary, …or Biden, … or Harris, …or the next candidate, the Republicans wouldn’t be forced to vote for Trump.

You have stolen tyler’s talking points on why he is voting trump.

Yoko Ono says yes.

LOL. Says the guy who posts 1000 times a day and says the same thing over and over again about a process he can’t even be involved in just to get attention and positive reinforcement.

Attack Blep while making no attempt to defend any of Trump’s incoherently rambling. I see you haven’t changed with the move to the new forum. I guess need to go figure out how how the hide user function works around this place now.

You are a sad, sad, little ‘man’.