Trump Watch

Paging Thucydides.

Compared even to his first term in office, Trump’s inability to focus on one train of thought appears to be growing significantly worse.

Trump’s supporters are noticing. A Guardian reporter pointed out that during a recent rally in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, many audience members left as Trump rambled for nearly two hours. “I voted for him in 2016 and had a Trump flag in the front yard,” a member of that audience [told The Guardian] “But after listening to that, I’m actually afraid of Trump being president again. I don’t know what he was talking about half the time. Perhaps he was always like that but he seems worse, more unstable“

To that point (people being afraid of him being President and walking out)…

She is leading with women. His edge is with men. I think the women are going to vote in droves for a wide variety of reasons (Dobbs being a huge one, hating JD Vance being another, Project 2025 on the whole being a third).

Men? Men are always a bigger question mark as to whether they’ll get out and vote.

Women vote, from what I am seeing, at about a 2 to 3% higher clip among registered voters. 62 to 65 , 65 to 68, and so on.

Men quietly staying at home could kill him.

BlockquoteThere was no conflict or “fighting” at Arlington National Cemetery last week. It was a made up story by Comrade Kamala and her misinformation squad. She made it all up to make up for the fact that she and Sleepy Joe have BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS for the INCOMPETENT AFGHANISTAN Withdrawal - THE MOST EMBARRASSING DAY IN U.S. HISTORY!!! They should have been at Arlington, not on a beach or studying for a Debate. Thank you to my friends, the GREAT GOLD STAR FAMILIES, for revealing the TRUTH OF A BEAUTIFUL DAY OF HONOR. Could not have been a nicer moment-And there were no fights or problems, only in the heads of those that are destroying our Country! MAGA2024

  1. Yes there was
  2. Harris had nothing to do with that reporting
  3. He created the conditions of withdrawal
  4. Where was Trump on this date the last two non-election years
  5. Speaking of honoring line of duty deaths, which candidate is hosting a Jan 6 AWARDS BANQUET FOR INSURRECTIONISTS at his golf course
  6. Shut all the fucking way up

Evergreen reply to something that assbag says.

That’s interesting because that’s from his base. If he loses a couple of percentage points off his base, he’s done.

Between the hair and the makeup he certainly is a sight to behold. What a bizarre person.

I like the questions Lex is asking, but disappointed that he isn’t following any of them up when Trump goes off topic or just starts rambling. I don’t necessarily want Lex to bully him and cut him off, but it seems impossible to hold this guy accountable for, well, anything.

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It’s called “the weave,” and it’s rhetorical brilliance.

Friends of mine that are like English professors, they say: ‘It’s the most brilliant thing they’ve ever seen,’” he said of the weave on stage on Friday.
“But you know the fake news, you know what they say: ‘He rambles.’ It’s not rambling.”

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Yeah, his incoherent rambling is brilliant. Sweet Jesus, how can anyone vote for this assclown?

Tyler, at this point you should just be embarrassed.

A gala event to raise money for some of the rioters who attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, set to take place on Thursday at former President Donald J. Trump’s golf club in New Jersey, has been postponed, according to the event website.

My guess. The “Donate” button goes to the “Stand in the Gap Foundation.” Which I don’t think is controlled by Trump. If you hold this thing at a Trump property, and maybe have Trump attend, Trump gonna get his. They’re arguing over the cut.

Second best guess is the Trump campaign actually recognizes this is a bad idea.

I watched about 25 minutes of that “interview”. It’s wild how he can talk so much and yet say nothing. I don’t understand how people can say they like his “policies”? He never articulates them. He just rambles. I get that not all politicians are able to talk policy in detail, but he is so clueless when he accuses Harris of doing exactly what he is doing.

At this point? If nothing has moved the needle before now…

  • Jeff

I believe we’ve entered the no-time-for-subtlety phase of the campaign.

Wow, just wow. He’s losing it. He could say they’re going to terrorize our streets, fill our prisons and mental institutions, etc.

But no, they’re going to be your apartment managers.

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Please tell me this is made up. This can not be real.

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See a previous thread for context.

I wonder who might be behind this little internet shitposting…

(False story about Harris having paralysed someone in a hit and run in 2011; reposted widely before being removed - Mark Twain was a prescient man).


Wow, fascinating article.

And all of this info leading to an American former cop who is now holed up in russia, and who helps putin on the side. And l like how they so amateurishly lifted all the photos from the interwebs.

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" Former President Donald Trump addressed the mass school shooting in Georgia during his Fox News town hall event in a key battleground state, vowing to “heal our world” if he’s re-elected.

“It’s a sick and angry world for a lot of reasons and we’re going to make it better. We’re going to heal our world. We’re going to get rid of all these wars that are starting all over the place because of incompetence,” Trump said Wednesday from the New Holland Arena in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

Fox News’ Sean Hannity, who moderated the town hall, had cited the tragic and fatal shooting that unfolded Wednesday morning in Barrow County, Georgia at a high school, as well as the tight security surrounding Trump’s public events following the assassination attempt on his life in July.

“We’re going to hopefully do very well. We have an election coming up … We’re going to be, I think, we’re going to be very well set up to do a great job,” Trump added."

Now, I am fully prepared to assume that this was a prolonged fluffing by Hannity, and that Fox News has contrived to report the best bits. I am certainly not going to seek out the interview itself and watch those two kissing ring, so I work with what I have.

First off: the context is a mass shooting in a school in Georgia. What’s Trump going to do? “Heal our world”. Hmm. Well, he will be the president of the US if he has his way, not the world (yet). And how could “heal our world” possibly be less specific as to (a) what that means (b) how and (c) what that lofty ideal has to do with a mass shooting in a school in Georgia.

So first line is a swing and a miss.

Secondly, he immediately diverts to an unrelated subject; “all these wars”. Apparently wars are started because of incompetence. Yes, that’s right. Putin ordered the Russian army to invade Ukraine because someone was “incompetent”. Or perhaps Zelensky allowed him to invade because someone in Ukraine was “incompetent”. Ditto Hamas and Israel. Fucking idiot. I’m sure that is in Trump’s mind somehow connected to a mass shooting in Georgia. It is the “how” that is mystifying.

Still the good news is that Trump is completely on the ball: “we have an election coming up”. Yeah. Well done on that one. Also: not a lie. Rare.