Aurora Colorado ( Deep Fakes?)

I have been getting emails from right leaning friends about the terrible conditions right now with crime and immigrant gangs in Aurora Colorado. Sending me videos of a Venezuelan gang taking over apartment buildings with guns, ruling parts of the city and scaring cops so they don’t patrol anymore. All of course found on right wing nutty websites. Libs of Tick-Toc being one of them.

I came here to see if anyone lives in or near Aurora or Denver that can say if it is really that bad or this is all a bunch of anti-immigration BS. I doubt Denver and Aurora are any different than they always have been and wouldn’t put it passed the right-wing world to make up videos or post them completely out of context.

Anyone live near these cities?

I’m an LEO in northern Colorado.

There is a veneer of truth to what you’ve read but it appears to be massively overstated based on your question.

There are gangs (Venezuelan and other) that do significant crime and can be dangerous. They haven’t “taken over” anything and cops aren’t scared to patrol. Some crime is up, and significantly so. Neither city is radically different than in the past. I wouldn’t call either city “unsafe”, with the same caveats I would apply to any large city.

Homelessness and transient behavior is probably the most visible problems … it’s gotten bad, particularly in Denver. Lots of reasons for the increase, none particularly unique to Denver/Aurora.

I’m an LEO in northern Colorado.

There is a veneer of truth to what you’ve read but it appears to be massively overstated based on your question.

There are gangs (Venezuelan and other) that do significant crime and can be dangerous. They haven’t “taken over” anything and cops aren’t scared to patrol. Some crime is up, and significantly so. Neither city is radically different than in the past. I wouldn’t call either city “unsafe”, with the same caveats I would apply to any large city.

Homelessness and transient behavior is probably the most visible problems … it’s gotten bad, particularly in Denver. Lots of reasons for the increase, none particularly unique to Denver/Aurora.

Thanks for the information. That is what I figured, not much different than any other year and it’s not a flood of immigration that is taking over.

Have the Venezuelan gangs always been there, or have you seen any change in their numbers in the last 3 or 4 years?

Why do you feel the crime rate is up?


I live in Aurora but on the other side of the city from where this is happening. Is there gang activity in that area, I wouldn’t doubt it, not just Venezuelan either. The root of the problem is the out of town slum lords who have let some apartments fall into such disrepair that the tenants had to be evicted. Danielle Jurinsky and a few other right wing nutters on the city council have been beating the Venezuelan gangs drum for a few weeks. Our Mayor, Mike Kaufman (R) even says they city council full of shit.

We’ve got a pretty decent investigative news team with the Denver NBC affiliate, they’ve been mentioned on this board a few times for the Kyle Clark’s debate hosting prowess. They’ve done a couple of stories and all roads keep leading back to the slum lords, not gangs. It’s anti-immigrant BS. The city council got their knickers in a twist a little over a year ago when there was an immigrant surge to this area. They’ve been looking for ways to get rid of them and the homeless, most homeless were immigrants, ever since.

Funny you bring this up today, my right wing nutter FIL, lives in Florida and keeps texting my wife this horseshit, fox news clips.

edited to correct Danielle Jurinsky’s name.

I live in Aurora but on the other side of the city from where this is happening. Is there gang activity in that area, I wouldn’t doubt it, not just Venezuelan either. The root of the problem is the out of town slum lords who have let some apartments fall into such disrepair that the tenants had to be evicted. Daniel Jurinski and a few other right wing nutters on the city council have been beating the Venezuelan gangs drum for a few weeks. Our Mayor, Mike Kaufman (R) even says they city council full of shit.

We’ve got a pretty decent investigative news team with the Denver NBC affiliate, they’ve been mentioned on this board a few times for the Kyle Clark’s debate hosting prowess. They’ve done a couple of stories and all roads keep leading back to the slum lords, not gangs. It’s anti-immigrant BS. The city council got their knickers in a twist a little over a year ago when there was an immigrant surge to this area. They’ve been looking for ways to get rid of them and the homeless, most homeless were immigrants, ever since.

Funny you bring this up today, my right wing nutter FIL, lives in Florida and keeps texting my wife this horseshit, fox news clips.

That is the information I was looking for thanks. Yes, its all over right wing sites today and I keep getting it in texts and emails. Bunch of propaganda.

Here you go

The city says what has been said on social media about police officers refusing not to patrol the building is “simply not true.”
APD issued a “specified crime property determination” notice in 2023, declaring 1568 Nome a “criminal nuisance property,” which means increased patrols.

That part of Aurora definitely sucks and has higher crime than the vast majority of the state, including gangs, but definitely not to the level that’s being portrayed. I used to live less than 10 minutes from those apartments. The street racing and DUIs are a far worse problem than any “immigrant invasion.”

Isn’t it about time for an immigrant caravan to start forming in Central America?

I’m an LEO in northern Colorado.

There is a veneer of truth to what you’ve read but it appears to be massively overstated based on your question.

There are gangs (Venezuelan and other) that do significant crime and can be dangerous. They haven’t “taken over” anything and cops aren’t scared to patrol. Some crime is up, and significantly so. Neither city is radically different than in the past. I wouldn’t call either city “unsafe”, with the same caveats I would apply to any large city.

Homelessness and transient behavior is probably the most visible problems … it’s gotten bad, particularly in Denver. Lots of reasons for the increase, none particularly unique to Denver/Aurora.

Thanks for the information. That is what I figured, not much different than any other year and it’s not a flood of immigration that is taking over.

Have the Venezuelan gangs always been there, or have you seen any change in their numbers in the last 3 or 4 years?

Why do you feel the crime rate is up?

Crime tends to be cyclical, so an uptick would be expected from a historical perspective. Another consideration is pure demographics … the area is growing significantly, cost of living is very high … factors like these tend to correlate with an increase in crime.

Also … and this is my opinion based on interactions with members of the criminal element … there is a sense of almost impunity currently coupled with a belief that there are few consequences for committing crime. One crime category that is significantly up is organized retail theft - groups (data shows it tends to be younger Hispanic males) walk into stores and steal a large amount of merchandise before fleeing. A typical loss amount for an incident is $5k. Store employees aren’t allowed to intervene beyond calling 911 (this is smart, these groups have been violent); PDs are understaffed and can’t respond in a timely manner (even a 5 minute delay means they get away); if PD arrives in time, the groups almost always flee in a car (frequently stolen; damn you Hyundai), and PD can’t pursue because it’s a low level property crime. The crooks get away (probably giggling as they watch the PD patrol cars turn off their lights and turn around). At some stores, this is an almost daily occurrence. Many of the gangs involved are Colombian, Guatemalan and Venezuelan. They sell the stolen merch on FB Marketplace and other online outlets. They also sell at the Aurora fleamarket, where you can find great deals but if the bottle of perfume is new in the box rest assured that it is stolen. But … how do you prove it?

Similarly, hard drugs have largely been relegated to low level non-arrestable offenses; a cop catches someone smoking meth, you write them a summons. They fail to appear in court, a personal recognizance warrant is issued. The person is arrested on the warrant and goes to jail, signs a promise to appear in court and is released (usually within a few hours). Fails to appear; another warrant is issued. And the cycle continues.

Venezuelan gangs have been present for several years. We are seeing more of them. I wouldn’t say the numbers are particularly large, certainly less than homegrown Hispanic gangs such as Nortenos and Surenos. There’s nothing unique about the Venezuelan gangs as far as how they operate or relative levels of violence.

I’m an LEO in northern Colorado.

There is a veneer of truth to what you’ve read but it appears to be massively overstated based on your question.

There are gangs (Venezuelan and other) that do significant crime and can be dangerous. They haven’t “taken over” anything and cops aren’t scared to patrol. Some crime is up, and significantly so. Neither city is radically different than in the past. I wouldn’t call either city “unsafe”, with the same caveats I would apply to any large city.

Homelessness and transient behavior is probably the most visible problems … it’s gotten bad, particularly in Denver. Lots of reasons for the increase, none particularly unique to Denver/Aurora.

Thanks for the information. That is what I figured, not much different than any other year and it’s not a flood of immigration that is taking over.

Have the Venezuelan gangs always been there, or have you seen any change in their numbers in the last 3 or 4 years?

Why do you feel the crime rate is up?

Crime tends to be cyclical, so an uptick would be expected from a historical perspective. Another consideration is pure demographics … the area is growing significantly, cost of living is very high … factors like these tend to correlate with an increase in crime.

Also … and this is my opinion based on interactions with members of the criminal element … there is a sense of almost impunity currently coupled with a belief that there are few consequences for committing crime. One crime category that is significantly up is organized retail theft - groups (data shows it tends to be younger Hispanic males) walk into stores and steal a large amount of merchandise before fleeing. A typical loss amount for an incident is $5k. Store employees aren’t allowed to intervene beyond calling 911 (this is smart, these groups have been violent); PDs are understaffed and can’t respond in a timely manner (even a 5 minute delay means they get away); if PD arrives in time, the groups almost always flee in a car (frequently stolen; damn you Hyundai), and PD can’t pursue because it’s a low level property crime. The crooks get away (probably giggling as they watch the PD patrol cars turn off their lights and turn around). At some stores, this is an almost daily occurrence. Many of the gangs involved are Colombian, Guatemalan and Venezuelan. They sell the stolen merch on FB Marketplace and other online outlets. They also sell at the Aurora fleamarket, where you can find great deals but if the bottle of perfume is new in the box rest assured that it is stolen. But … how do you prove it?

Similarly, hard drugs have largely been relegated to low level non-arrestable offenses; a cop catches someone smoking meth, you write them a summons. They fail to appear in court, a personal recognizance warrant is issued. The person is arrested on the warrant and goes to jail, signs a promise to appear in court and is released (usually within a few hours). Fails to appear; another warrant is issued. And the cycle continues.

Venezuelan gangs have been present for several years. We are seeing more of them. I wouldn’t say the numbers are particularly large, certainly less than homegrown Hispanic gangs such as Nortenos and Surenos. There’s nothing unique about the Venezuelan gangs as far as how they operate or relative levels of violence.

Thank for the information. Sounds like these young kids stealing is just a price of business for some of these retail stores in the area. Not much can really be done about it so just deduct it and make insurance claims. Or do you think there is any other way to handle it that could stop it from happening? If these kids don’t steal they probably don’t eat.

Denver metro resident but not near aurora. I watch local news a few nights a week and have not heard of this. Appreciate the input from other CO folks as our experience is that nothing has really changed in the local area. However, we are in a bit of a bubble and don’t frequent aurora at all and Denver very little. Everything we need is west of I-25.

Do notice increased homeless as an issue. Not as bad as PDX or SoCal, but noticeable.


Would you say this commentator is accurate in saying the current low reported crime rates are a combination of low/non-reporting by localities to FBI and no arrests being made for obvious crimes being committed? Ignore the partisan crap at the end of the article.

Would you say this commentator is accurate in saying the current low reported crime rates are a combination of low/non-reporting by localities to FBI and no arrests being made for obvious crimes being committed? Ignore the partisan crap at the end of the article.

Well, as with most things political, there is truth there but the think piece is hyperbolic and overwrought to emphasize a political point.

I would say the raw data is accurate but the interpretation of that data is partisan.

For example, with regard to property crimes (most of which are never solved or truly investigated for resource reasons), you may have a string of burglaries. The suspect is caught red handed and arrested for one burglary. Police “know” suspect did all of them but have little evidence; prosecutor charges for the slam dunk burglaries and the rest are left technically unsolved. So, 99 burglaries show unsolved; 1 shows solved; all committed by the same suspect.

A survey of the public and their perception of crime means nothing. The public has no idea what is going on. Their car gets broken into or their mom’s house gets burgled, and suddenly their opinion is that crime is rampant. Crime is generally not rampant. Crime is less today than a generation ago.

Crime isn’t political. Red vs Blue vs Purple means almost nothing with regard to crime rates. Other factors matter: population; demographics; poverty; education; I could go on.

My opinion is that many more “liberal” laws and policies toward crime have had a negative impact. For instance, Portland’s decriminalization of nearly all drugs … terrible idea and look at the consequences the city is experiencing. Denver’s tacit legalization of minor and technical traffic violations - wonder why every other tag is a year expired (I’m exaggerating, obviously; but drive around LoDo and you will see what I mean).

I think there has been a cultural shift with regards to crime and criminals. In CO, cops are required to wear body cams by state statute; also by state statute, if there is no video of a police encounter, the cop is presumed to have done wrong. Citizens seem far more willing to accept the word of a person charged with a crime than the word of a cop. When I was a rookie (checks calendar) 24 years ago, it was the opposite.

My agency submits all crime data to the FBI. All reported crimes; all investigated crimes; all solved and unsolved crimes. It all gets reported. We know without a doubt crime is more prevalent than official stats indicate. Crime is underreported significantly. Who knows how much? Property crime - I would say maybe 1 in 10 or 20 property crimes are reported. Sex crimes - maybe less. IMO, the only crime that is more or less accurately reported is murder, and even murder is underreported (no body, no murder, in most cases without compelling evidence). I know nothing about agencies that do not report crime data - it’s not the norm in my experience.

I wish crime and criminal justice was de-politicized. We might make some permanent progress if it were.

I’m an LEO in northern Colorado.

There is a veneer of truth to what you’ve read but it appears to be massively overstated based on your question.

There are gangs (Venezuelan and other) that do significant crime and can be dangerous. They haven’t “taken over” anything and cops aren’t scared to patrol. Some crime is up, and significantly so. Neither city is radically different than in the past. I wouldn’t call either city “unsafe”, with the same caveats I would apply to any large city.

Homelessness and transient behavior is probably the most visible problems … it’s gotten bad, particularly in Denver. Lots of reasons for the increase, none particularly unique to Denver/Aurora.

Thanks for the information. That is what I figured, not much different than any other year and it’s not a flood of immigration that is taking over.

Have the Venezuelan gangs always been there, or have you seen any change in their numbers in the last 3 or 4 years?

Why do you feel the crime rate is up?

Crime tends to be cyclical, so an uptick would be expected from a historical perspective. Another consideration is pure demographics … the area is growing significantly, cost of living is very high … factors like these tend to correlate with an increase in crime.

Also … and this is my opinion based on interactions with members of the criminal element … there is a sense of almost impunity currently coupled with a belief that there are few consequences for committing crime. One crime category that is significantly up is organized retail theft - groups (data shows it tends to be younger Hispanic males) walk into stores and steal a large amount of merchandise before fleeing. A typical loss amount for an incident is $5k. Store employees aren’t allowed to intervene beyond calling 911 (this is smart, these groups have been violent); PDs are understaffed and can’t respond in a timely manner (even a 5 minute delay means they get away); if PD arrives in time, the groups almost always flee in a car (frequently stolen; damn you Hyundai), and PD can’t pursue because it’s a low level property crime. The crooks get away (probably giggling as they watch the PD patrol cars turn off their lights and turn around). At some stores, this is an almost daily occurrence. Many of the gangs involved are Colombian, Guatemalan and Venezuelan. They sell the stolen merch on FB Marketplace and other online outlets. They also sell at the Aurora fleamarket, where you can find great deals but if the bottle of perfume is new in the box rest assured that it is stolen. But … how do you prove it?

Similarly, hard drugs have largely been relegated to low level non-arrestable offenses; a cop catches someone smoking meth, you write them a summons. They fail to appear in court, a personal recognizance warrant is issued. The person is arrested on the warrant and goes to jail, signs a promise to appear in court and is released (usually within a few hours). Fails to appear; another warrant is issued. And the cycle continues.

Venezuelan gangs have been present for several years. We are seeing more of them. I wouldn’t say the numbers are particularly large, certainly less than homegrown Hispanic gangs such as Nortenos and Surenos. There’s nothing unique about the Venezuelan gangs as far as how they operate or relative levels of violence.

Thank for the information. Sounds like these young kids stealing is just a price of business for some of these retail stores in the area. Not much can really be done about it so just deduct it and make insurance claims. Or do you think there is any other way to handle it that could stop it from happening? If these kids don’t steal they probably don’t eat.

They won’t “deduct it”. The lost costs will be baked into markups. IOW, prices will go up

Appreciate your first-hand perspective. Yeah, my son drove to Denver a couple of weeks ago to see opening night of Twenty-One Pilot’s new tour. He said everyone in Denver was driving at least 10 over the limit, or 40 in a 20.

Awhile back another opinion writer mentioned the chump effect. If one person can get away with breaking the rules, others wonder why they should follow them. As you have mentioned, when a long-standing law is either no longer enforced or enforceable, it seems like the obvious effect is going to be more (and greater) lawlessness, so-called. If a politician believes more members of their tribe are being incarcerated, non-enforcement of the laws as a (political) solution causes more problems than it solves.

I’m an LEO in northern Colorado.

There is a veneer of truth to what you’ve read but it appears to be massively overstated based on your question.

There are gangs (Venezuelan and other) that do significant crime and can be dangerous. They haven’t “taken over” anything and cops aren’t scared to patrol. Some crime is up, and significantly so. Neither city is radically different than in the past. I wouldn’t call either city “unsafe”, with the same caveats I would apply to any large city.

Homelessness and transient behavior is probably the most visible problems … it’s gotten bad, particularly in Denver. Lots of reasons for the increase, none particularly unique to Denver/Aurora.

Thanks for the information. That is what I figured, not much different than any other year and it’s not a flood of immigration that is taking over.

Have the Venezuelan gangs always been there, or have you seen any change in their numbers in the last 3 or 4 years?

Why do you feel the crime rate is up?

Crime tends to be cyclical, so an uptick would be expected from a historical perspective. Another consideration is pure demographics … the area is growing significantly, cost of living is very high … factors like these tend to correlate with an increase in crime.

Also … and this is my opinion based on interactions with members of the criminal element … there is a sense of almost impunity currently coupled with a belief that there are few consequences for committing crime. One crime category that is significantly up is organized retail theft - groups (data shows it tends to be younger Hispanic males) walk into stores and steal a large amount of merchandise before fleeing. A typical loss amount for an incident is $5k. Store employees aren’t allowed to intervene beyond calling 911 (this is smart, these groups have been violent); PDs are understaffed and can’t respond in a timely manner (even a 5 minute delay means they get away); if PD arrives in time, the groups almost always flee in a car (frequently stolen; damn you Hyundai), and PD can’t pursue because it’s a low level property crime. The crooks get away (probably giggling as they watch the PD patrol cars turn off their lights and turn around). At some stores, this is an almost daily occurrence. Many of the gangs involved are Colombian, Guatemalan and Venezuelan. They sell the stolen merch on FB Marketplace and other online outlets. They also sell at the Aurora fleamarket, where you can find great deals but if the bottle of perfume is new in the box rest assured that it is stolen. But … how do you prove it?

Similarly, hard drugs have largely been relegated to low level non-arrestable offenses; a cop catches someone smoking meth, you write them a summons. They fail to appear in court, a personal recognizance warrant is issued. The person is arrested on the warrant and goes to jail, signs a promise to appear in court and is released (usually within a few hours). Fails to appear; another warrant is issued. And the cycle continues.

Venezuelan gangs have been present for several years. We are seeing more of them. I wouldn’t say the numbers are particularly large, certainly less than homegrown Hispanic gangs such as Nortenos and Surenos. There’s nothing unique about the Venezuelan gangs as far as how they operate or relative levels of violence.

Thank for the information. Sounds like these young kids stealing is just a price of business for some of these retail stores in the area. Not much can really be done about it so just deduct it and make insurance claims. Or do you think there is any other way to handle it that could stop it from happening? If these kids don’t steal they probably don’t eat.

They won’t “deduct it”. The lost costs will be baked into markups. IOW, prices will go up

Yes, this. Cost of doing business. I was at the local mall working a sex crime at Victoria’s Secret yesterday and the manager of Sunglass Hut wanted to chat. She said a few times per day, a thief will come in and blatantly steal a few pairs of sunglasses (Prada are the most common brand stolen at the moment) and the company does nothing about it. They don’t even report it. She said it’s built into the margin for the sunglasses which, in her words, “cost next to nothing” to make and sell for $300-500/pair for the the Prada shades. They won’t even let her put the most expensive glasses behind a counter to lower instances of theft because of the negative impact it will have on sales. She was frustrated with it.

She said she had gotten very good at identifying thieves; they have a look. They come in and go directly to the Prada display, make no eye contact with staff, grab whatever they can, and fast walk out of the store into the mall proper. Almost all of the thieves are young Hispanic males dressed in baggie clothes, almost always with white sneakers (which I thought was an oddly specific description).