You know the Left has an antisemitism problem

Over the top much?

Sure. There’s nothing serious about Windy’s posts, so why not have a little fun. It is the first time I can remember him invoking the echo chamber boogieman, which is normally the last refuge of the far right MAGA nutjobs here in the LR.

I’ve definitely called this circle jerk an echo chamber in the past.

Over the top much?

Sure. There’s nothing serious about Windy’s posts, so why not have a little fun. It is the first time I can remember him invoking the echo chamber boogieman, which is normally the last refuge of the far right MAGA nutjobs here in the LR.

it seems windy touched a nerve.

I figured I would hence my foreshadowing of the reflexive posts.

I’ll be honest the amount of whataboutism was unexpected.

But all we got on this thread is "the right sucks too ".

So are you! Any reply that puts him near the top of the thread list gives him the needed endorphin rush. This post included.

Eyeroll emoji

Over the top much?

Sure. There’s nothing serious about Windy’s posts, so why not have a little fun. It is the first time I can remember him invoking the echo chamber boogieman, which is normally the last refuge of the far right MAGA nutjobs here in the LR.

“Circle jerk” is the last refuge.

Well frankly this place tends to be a circle jerk in a left wing echo chamber with the majority all sharing the same brain, and spitting out the same opinions. Anyone with an independent thought or bucks the group think gets the Windy treatment so f glad he posts here.

stop taking refuge you far right MAGA nutjob.

it’s really sad what a clown slowguy has turned into

I was thinking that same thing. I used to look forward to and enjoy the information he provided. Now he seems like the rest have rubbed off on him.

If I were Windy I would look at these responses and see who was on my side. Then wonder how I have gone so far astray.

I’d just assume most conservative posters have been run off or stopped posting but that’s just me

Over the top much?

Sure. There’s nothing serious about Windy’s posts, so why not have a little fun. It is the first time I can remember him invoking the echo chamber boogieman, which is normally the last refuge of the far right MAGA nutjobs here in the LR.

“Circle jerk” is the last refuge.

Well frankly this place tends to be a circle jerk in a left wing echo chamber with the majority all sharing the same brain, and spitting out the same opinions. Anyone with an independent thought or bucks the group think gets the Windy treatment so f glad he posts here.

stop taking refuge you far right MAGA nutjob.

it’s really sad what a clown slowguy has turned into

I was thinking that same thing. I used to look forward to and enjoy the information he provided. Now he seems like the rest have rubbed off on him.

If I were Windy I would look at these responses and see who was on my side. Then wonder how I have gone so far astray.

of course you would Chappy, er in mean Nutty, er I mean jmh, er I mean whichever one you are. ( all about the same)

You’re an idiot. JPO may be misguided but he’s not a fucking mentally unstable ideologue.

Over the top much?

Sure. There’s nothing serious about Windy’s posts, so why not have a little fun. It is the first time I can remember him invoking the echo chamber boogieman, which is normally the last refuge of the far right MAGA nutjobs here in the LR.

“Circle jerk” is the last refuge.

Well frankly this place tends to be a circle jerk in a left wing echo chamber with the majority all sharing the same brain, and spitting out the same opinions. Anyone with an independent thought or bucks the group think gets the Windy treatment so f glad he posts here.

Congratulations. With references to circle jerks, echo chambers, and shared brains all in the same post; you win the mixed metaphors award of the day, and cement yourself as a leader in the “not to be taken seriously” group of posters.

How far right does the right need to go to present slowguy, a moderate to end all moderates, as a left winger?

About this far I’d say.

Meh…post retirement announcement he’s drifting more and more liberal (or his Freudian slips are increasing)

Over the top much?

Sure. There’s nothing serious about Windy’s posts, so why not have a little fun. It is the first time I can remember him invoking the echo chamber boogieman, which is normally the last refuge of the far right MAGA nutjobs here in the LR.

“Circle jerk” is the last refuge.

Well frankly this place tends to be a circle jerk in a left wing echo chamber with the majority all sharing the same brain, and spitting out the same opinions. Anyone with an independent thought or bucks the group think gets the Windy treatment so f glad he posts here.

stop taking refuge you far right MAGA nutjob.

it’s really sad what a clown slowguy has turned into

I was thinking that same thing. I used to look forward to and enjoy the information he provided. Now he seems like the rest have rubbed off on him.

If I were Windy I would look at these responses and see who was on my side. Then wonder how I have gone so far astray.

of course you would Chappy, er in mean Nutty, er I mean jmh, er I mean whichever one you are. ( all about the same)

There are some very outspoken liberals in the LR. You’ve mentioned a couple. Jpo doesn’t fit into that category, but the fact that you lump basically everyone who doesn’t take you seriously into the same group isn’t really surprising.

Windy doesn’t take me seriously and has derided many of my comments and perhaps thrown numerous insults my way.

You have a point?

Pfft Hungary?

It’s more that France’s rejection of the antisemitic Left is a canary in the coal mine for the Left here

Your party has embraced Orban, which really isn’t surprising as they hate the same people.

More evidence that you did not read your link. It is not about France rejecting the “antisemitic left” but *some *of the French left refusing to march with the National Front, a party that was founded by a holocaust denier and has a long history of antisemitism. Yesterday Socialists, Greens, and Communist parties marched with 100,000 people in Paris. One party, La France Insoumise, had their own march against Antisemitism.

The fact that you equate LFI with the American left confirms how out of touch you are.

No. The phrase she used certainly has been used in anti-Semitic ways, but it is not always used that way.

Sure, not a great phrase. Censure away. Though her statements since have been quite reasonable.

It is a bit more complicated than that. I also thought that was the meaning of the chant. Turns out there is a lot more to it.

What does ‘from the river to the sea’ actually mean? | AP News

Sorry to snip each of your responses to mostly a single sentence. My point in raising Tlaib’s censure was to see if there were any agreement here on what speech is considered antisemitic. So far, seems no.

If someone were to say to you, “Heritage, not hate,” what would you think of that person? Maybe one should refrain from using such charged phrases considering what they mean to others.

Maybe one should refrain from using such charged phrases considering what they mean to others.

Now you suddenly care about “charged phrases”? Today’s GOP runs on “Charged phrases” “Dog Whistles” and talking points.

Your selective outrage makes it hard to take anything you post seriously.

Over the top much?

Sure. There’s nothing serious about Windy’s posts, so why not have a little fun. It is the first time I can remember him invoking the echo chamber boogieman, which is normally the last refuge of the far right MAGA nutjobs here in the LR.

“Circle jerk” is the last refuge.

Well frankly this place tends to be a circle jerk in a left wing echo chamber with the majority all sharing the same brain, and spitting out the same opinions. Anyone with an independent thought or bucks the group think gets the Windy treatment so f glad he posts here.

Congratulations. With references to circle jerks, echo chambers, and shared brains all in the same post; you win the mixed metaphors award of the day, and cement yourself as a leader in the “not to be taken seriously” group of posters.

How far right does the right need to go to present slowguy, a moderate to end all moderates, as a left winger?

About this far I’d say.

Meh…post retirement announcement he’s drifting more and more liberal (or his Freudian slips are increasing)

No you’re missing the point entirely.

He’s not drifting left you simpleton. The right is going further and further right.

Slowguy used to be good at being the devils advocate.

At this point I am guessing that he’s finding it harder and harder to play that role because you simply can’t argue for what the GOP is about. Not and be taken Seriously anyway.

No. The phrase she used certainly has been used in anti-Semitic ways, but it is not always used that way.

Sure, not a great phrase. Censure away. Though her statements since have been quite reasonable.

It is a bit more complicated than that. I also thought that was the meaning of the chant. Turns out there is a lot more to it.

What does ‘from the river to the sea’ actually mean? | AP News

Sorry to snip each of your responses to mostly a single sentence. My point in raising Tlaib’s censure was to see if there were any agreement here on what speech is considered antisemitic. So far, seems no.

If someone were to say to you, “Heritage, not hate,” what would you think of that person? Maybe one should refrain from using such charged phrases considering what they mean to others.

No problem with the snippets. The question of whether Tlaib should be censured is inescapably intertwined with the question of “what is the standard for how bad bigoted speech must be in order for Congress to censure it?” Very few members of the House (25 or so) have ever been censured and bigoted stuff gets said all the time by members of the House. My point is not a classic whattaboutism – but the standard for how tough or lenient members will be when it comes to censure for bigotry needs to be applied at least somewhat consistently. Given what traditionally has passed without censure and given the ambiguity of Tlaib’s meaning, I don’t think the House had any business censuring her.

I agree with your second point. Taking into consideration how phrases affect the listener is important, as is the speaker’s intent. Mike Johnson might think that having a Christian nationalist flag outside his office is fine and he does not mean to offend by it. But, in passing judgment we ought to consider not just his intent, but how that is perceived. If someone says something that they don’t intend to be hurtful and just don’t realize how it is perceived, then the first step is to explain it to them. If they persist, then that’s a different issue.

Over the top much?

Sure. There’s nothing serious about Windy’s posts, so why not have a little fun. It is the first time I can remember him invoking the echo chamber boogieman, which is normally the last refuge of the far right MAGA nutjobs here in the LR.

“Circle jerk” is the last refuge.

Well frankly this place tends to be a circle jerk in a left wing echo chamber with the majority all sharing the same brain, and spitting out the same opinions. Anyone with an independent thought or bucks the group think gets the Windy treatment so f glad he posts here.

Congratulations. With references to circle jerks, echo chambers, and shared brains all in the same post; you win the mixed metaphors award of the day, and cement yourself as a leader in the “not to be taken seriously” group of posters.

How far right does the right need to go to present slowguy, a moderate to end all moderates, as a left winger?

About this far I’d say.

Meh…post retirement announcement he’s drifting more and more liberal (or his Freudian slips are increasing)

No you’re missing the point entirely.

He’s not drifting left you simpleton. The right is going further and further right.

Slowguy used to be good at being the devils advocate.

At this point I am guessing that he’s finding it harder and harder to play that role because you simply can’t argue for what the GOP is about. Not and be taken Seriously anyway.

I haven’t gotten any more liberal, but the barometer for being liberal seems to be just disagreeing with a handful of the self-identifying conservative posters here in the LR. I haven’t disagreed with any particular conservative policy stances more than usual, or piled on conservative figures (other than the obvious idiots that everyone should pile on because they’re amusingly stupid) more than usual, or adopted liberal stances more than usual. I have disagreed with idiots on military planning and action, called out Windy for his consistent trolling for attention, and called out what seemed to me to be painfully transparently obvious lies and fabrications. In the burgeoning MAGA tradition, those things apparently make you a liberal.

My point is not a classic whattaboutism – but the standard for how tough or lenient members will be when it comes to censure for bigotry needs to be applied at least somewhat consistently.

Though with Tlaib the timing is a factor. MTG’s “Feinstein is an agent of the Rothschilds” anti-Semitism (space laser thing) wasn’t said during a moment of crisis for Jewish people. It was time of crisis for people affected by California wildfires.

Of course it’s also political. Tlaib likely wouldn’t have been censured with a Democratic majority. And MTG may have been with the same majority. Gosar was censured for reposting a meme video showing himself committing violence against AOC and Biden. But with a Democrat majority in the House.

With two in rapid succession (Schiff and Tlaib) by historical standards, I do fear the escalation of the censure becoming a partisan tool to the degree it gets watered down to irrelevance.

Over the top much?

Sure. There’s nothing serious about Windy’s posts, so why not have a little fun. It is the first time I can remember him invoking the echo chamber boogieman, which is normally the last refuge of the far right MAGA nutjobs here in the LR.

“Circle jerk” is the last refuge.

Well frankly this place tends to be a circle jerk in a left wing echo chamber with the majority all sharing the same brain, and spitting out the same opinions. Anyone with an independent thought or bucks the group think gets the Windy treatment so f glad he posts here.

Congratulations. With references to circle jerks, echo chambers, and shared brains all in the same post; you win the mixed metaphors award of the day, and cement yourself as a leader in the “not to be taken seriously” group of posters.

How far right does the right need to go to present slowguy, a moderate to end all moderates, as a left winger?

About this far I’d say.

Meh…post retirement announcement he’s drifting more and more liberal (or his Freudian slips are increasing)

No you’re missing the point entirely.

He’s not drifting left you simpleton. The right is going further and further right.

Slowguy used to be good at being the devils advocate.

At this point I am guessing that he’s finding it harder and harder to play that role because you simply can’t argue for what the GOP is about. Not and be taken Seriously anyway.

I haven’t gotten any more liberal, but the barometer for being liberal seems to be just disagreeing with a handful of the self-identifying conservative posters here in the LR. I haven’t disagreed with any particular conservative policy stances more than usual, or piled on conservative figures (other than the obvious idiots that everyone should pile on because they’re amusingly stupid) more than usual, or adopted liberal stances more than usual. I have disagreed with idiots on military planning and action, called out Windy for his consistent trolling for attention, and called out what seemed to me to be painfully transparently obvious lies and fabrications. In the burgeoning MAGA tradition, those things apparently make you a liberal.

That kind of what I am saying. You haven’t changed. At least I don’t think so.

My point is not a classic whattaboutism – but the standard for how tough or lenient members will be when it comes to censure for bigotry needs to be applied at least somewhat consistently.

Though with Tlaib the timing is a factor. MTG’s “Feinstein is an agent of the Rothschilds” anti-Semitism (space laser thing) wasn’t said during a moment of crisis for Jewish people. It was time of crisis for people affected by California wildfires.

Of course it’s also political. Tlaib likely wouldn’t have been censured with a Democratic majority. And MTG may have been with the same majority. Gosar was censured for reposting a meme video showing himself committing violence against AOC and Biden. But with a Democrat majority in the House.

With two in rapid succession (Schiff and Tlaib) by historical standards, I do fear the escalation of the censure becoming a partisan tool to the degree it gets watered down to irrelevance.

Well, not for nothing, but Rep Tlaib’s comments were also made in a time of crisis for the Palestinian people, including her, and not just the Jewish people. Is it more or less forgivable to make these kinds of potentially problematic statements when you’re in crisis, or casually as a matter of the normal course of your level of discussion, like Rep Taylor Greene? I suppose that’s worth some debate, especially as it applies to people ostensibly elected to perform as leaders of our country.

My point is not a classic whattaboutism – but the standard for how tough or lenient members will be when it comes to censure for bigotry needs to be applied at least somewhat consistently.

Though with Tlaib the timing is a factor. MTG’s “Feinstein is an agent of the Rothschilds” anti-Semitism (space laser thing) wasn’t said during a moment of crisis for Jewish people. It was time of crisis for people affected by California wildfires.

Of course it’s also political. Tlaib likely wouldn’t have been censured with a Democratic majority. And MTG may have been with the same majority. Gosar was censured for reposting a meme video showing himself committing violence against AOC and Biden. But with a Democrat majority in the House.

With two in rapid succession (Schiff and Tlaib) by historical standards, I do fear the escalation of the censure becoming a partisan tool to the degree it gets watered down to irrelevance.

As to timing, if Tlaib made those comments on October 8, that would be a different story. As I understand it, she posted the “from the river to the sea” stuff on November 3, by which time people in Gaza were suffering greatly. Yes, it was a time of suffering for Israelis, too. MTG and her people were hardly suffering at the time of her statements — that was just unprovoked bigotry. Tlaib can validly claim to feel the suffering of her people.

Agree with the rest: partisanship plays a role and we are in danger of turning censures and impeachment into tools that are too easily used.

the “from the river to the sea” stuff on November 3, by which time people in Gaza were suffering greatly. .

Dude look at a map of Israel. There’s no other reasonable interpretation of “from the river to the sea” other than the elimination of Israel.

The point my friend is the reflexive whataboutism.

Yeah, that’s probably something you should work on.

You feel the BBC article is whataboutism? Interesting tack to take

I think the BBC article has fuckall to do with whataboutism.

I think you’re so desperate for the attention you get by being a tool here in this forum that you’ll post any article you can find that touches tangentially on anything you can tie to “the Left” so that you can play “whatabout” with problems that are most associated with the far Right and generally just to see if you can get some reaction from any of the more liberal posters here in the LR, and in doing so, you’ll be sure to make your post as dickish as you can just for good measure.

What’s wrong with my premise? That there is antisemitism on the Left or there would be reflexive responses here that didn’t bother to consider the truth of that statement?

Of course there is some anti-Semitism on the left. If a third of the country is on the left (not a precise number, just offered as an illustration) that is more than 100mm people. There will be considerable diversity within that group, including some anti-Semites.

If you want to have a serious discussion of the causes, extent, and implications of anti-Semitism on the left, that might be possible. But you know perfectly well how politics and the LR work. If you title your thread with just a reference to the Left, you’re gonna get whataboutism, because it’s so obvious that there is huge anti-Semitism on the right. The thread will strike many as disingenuous.

Alternatively, you could begin a thread that concedes there is a lot of anti-Semitism on the right, which perhaps comes in different flavors than anti-Semitism on the left. Positioning the issue that way, you probably could get people on the left to discuss anti-Semitism without them feeling that, by doing so, they are making some concession that this is predominantly a problem on the left. You didn’t try to do that, and the results were predictable.

Why do I have to make that statement? Why can’t there be a discussion of just one side? Why the double standard?

I do know how political threads go here and have no problem calling out the hypocrisy and intellectual dishonesty of many on here.

I bet if you go to threads about antisemitism on the far-right/neo-Nazis your standard of a reasonable dual sided original post won’t be met at the frequency you’d think it would be.

Your last paragraph proves my point. When you start a thread on a political topic where the problem is overwhelmingly on your party’s side, it is important to be clear you are not suggesting some sort of equivalence. Otherwise, people will suspect your purpose is not to seriously understand the left but, rather, to divert attention from the rampant embrace of fascism, anti-Semitic tropes, and Christian nationalism on the right. If you don’t want to begin by expressly denying any equivalence, then you’re likely to be unhappy with the ensuing discussion.

The point my friend is the reflexive whataboutism.

Yeah, that’s probably something you should work on.

You feel the BBC article is whataboutism? Interesting tack to take

I think the BBC article has fuckall to do with whataboutism.

I think you’re so desperate for the attention you get by being a tool here in this forum that you’ll post any article you can find that touches tangentially on anything you can tie to “the Left” so that you can play “whatabout” with problems that are most associated with the far Right and generally just to see if you can get some reaction from any of the more liberal posters here in the LR, and in doing so, you’ll be sure to make your post as dickish as you can just for good measure.

What’s wrong with my premise? That there is antisemitism on the Left or there would be reflexive responses here that didn’t bother to consider the truth of that statement?

Of course there is some anti-Semitism on the left. If a third of the country is on the left (not a precise number, just offered as an illustration) that is more than 100mm people. There will be considerable diversity within that group, including some anti-Semites.

If you want to have a serious discussion of the causes, extent, and implications of anti-Semitism on the left, that might be possible. But you know perfectly well how politics and the LR work. If you title your thread with just a reference to the Left, you’re gonna get whataboutism, because it’s so obvious that there is huge anti-Semitism on the right. The thread will strike many as disingenuous.

Alternatively, you could begin a thread that concedes there is a lot of anti-Semitism on the right, which perhaps comes in different flavors than anti-Semitism on the left. Positioning the issue that way, you probably could get people on the left to discuss anti-Semitism without them feeling that, by doing so, they are making some concession that this is predominantly a problem on the left. You didn’t try to do that, and the results were predictable.

Why do I have to make that statement? Why can’t there be a discussion of just one side? Why the double standard?

I do know how political threads go here and have no problem calling out the hypocrisy and intellectual dishonesty of many on here.

I bet if you go to threads about antisemitism on the far-right/neo-Nazis your standard of a reasonable dual sided original post won’t be met at the frequency you’d think it would be.

Your last paragraph proves my point. When you start a thread on a political topic where the problem is overwhelmingly on your party’s sidediscussion.

Your premise is flawed since I am now party free (or a party of one) and I would posit that the antisemitism of the far right and far left are equal. (Anecdotally I’d actually argue the antisemitism of the left is more pervasive, widespread, and violent, but I interact with more Leftist whackjobs than far right whackjobs so significant sample bias)