You know the Left has an antisemitism problem

But the bigger question is, do you like pizza? Rogan wants to know …

You’ve convinced me. I am never voting for Jean-Luc.

Check out this left wing anti Semite.

The point my friend is the reflexive whataboutism.

Yeah, that’s probably something you should work on.

You feel the BBC article is whataboutism? Interesting tack to take

I think the BBC article has fuckall to do with whataboutism.

I think you’re so desperate for the attention you get by being a tool here in this forum that you’ll post any article you can find that touches tangentially on anything you can tie to “the Left” so that you can play “whatabout” with problems that are most associated with the far Right and generally just to see if you can get some reaction from any of the more liberal posters here in the LR, and in doing so, you’ll be sure to make your post as dickish as you can just for good measure.

The point my friend is the reflexive whataboutism.

Yeah, that’s probably something you should work on.

You feel the BBC article is whataboutism? Interesting tack to take

I think the BBC article has fuckall to do with whataboutism.

I think you’re so desperate for the attention you get by being a tool here in this forum that you’ll post any article you can find that touches tangentially on anything you can tie to “the Left” so that you can play “whatabout” with problems that are most associated with the far Right and generally just to see if you can get some reaction from any of the more liberal posters here in the LR, and in doing so, you’ll be sure to make your post as dickish as you can just for good measure.


The point my friend is the reflexive whataboutism.

Yeah, that’s probably something you should work on.

You feel the BBC article is whataboutism? Interesting tack to take

I think the BBC article has fuckall to do with whataboutism.

I think you’re so desperate for the attention you get by being a tool here in this forum that you’ll post any article you can find that touches tangentially on anything you can tie to “the Left” so that you can play “whatabout” with problems that are most associated with the far Right and generally just to see if you can get some reaction from any of the more liberal posters here in the LR, and in doing so, you’ll be sure to make your post as dickish as you can just for good measure.

What’s wrong with my premise? That there is antisemitism on the Left or there would be reflexive responses here that didn’t bother to consider the truth of that statement?


I think Windy’s plan is to get Jews, Muslims and “Leftists” to fight with each other

It’s a divide and conquer kind of strategy!!

The plan doesn’t seem to be working too well
(At least not here in the Lavender room).

There is a lot of sound and fury!

But most of the hatred seems (appropriately) directed at Windy himself.


I think Windy’s plan is to get Jews, Muslims and “Leftists” to fight with each other

It’s a divide and conquer kind of strategy!!

The plan doesn’t seem to be working too well
(At least not here in the Lavender room).

There is a lot of sound and fury!

But most of the hatred seems (appropriately) directed at Windy himself.

I’d say I’m a unifyer not a divider but since this place is already skewing left its more of just a myopic echo chamber pile on


I think Windy’s plan is to get Jews, Muslims and “Leftists” to fight with each other

It’s a divide and conquer kind of strategy!!

The plan doesn’t seem to be working too well
(At least not here in the Lavender room).

There is a lot of sound and fury!

But most of the hatred seems (appropriately) directed at Windy himself.

I’d say I’m a unifyer not a divider but since this place is already skewing left its more of just a myopic echo chamber pile on



Keep at it…

It will be a great day when Jews, Muslims and reasonable people the world over-
Unite in their hatred of Windy!!


I think Windy’s plan is to get Jews, Muslims and “Leftists” to fight with each other

It’s a divide and conquer kind of strategy!!

The plan doesn’t seem to be working too well
(At least not here in the Lavender room).

There is a lot of sound and fury!

But most of the hatred seems (appropriately) directed at Windy himself.

I’d say I’m a unifyer not a divider but since this place is already skewing left its more of just a myopic echo chamber pile on

And with that reference to the “skewing left echo chamber,” Windy has completed his journey to the dark side, joining various other previous converts who will undoubtedly have to duke it out to see which of them can rule. Only two may exist, a master and an apprentice.

The point my friend is the reflexive whataboutism.

Yeah, that’s probably something you should work on.

You feel the BBC article is whataboutism? Interesting tack to take

I think the BBC article has fuckall to do with whataboutism.

I think you’re so desperate for the attention you get by being a tool here in this forum that you’ll post any article you can find that touches tangentially on anything you can tie to “the Left” so that you can play “whatabout” with problems that are most associated with the far Right and generally just to see if you can get some reaction from any of the more liberal posters here in the LR, and in doing so, you’ll be sure to make your post as dickish as you can just for good measure.

How big were the far right protestors in Charlottesville? a few hundred at most? There had to have been at least 10,000 in DC participating in protests calling for wipe out of Israel. Both are problems, but who has the bigger problem?

The point my friend is the reflexive whataboutism.

Yeah, that’s probably something you should work on.

You feel the BBC article is whataboutism? Interesting tack to take

I think the BBC article has fuckall to do with whataboutism.

I think you’re so desperate for the attention you get by being a tool here in this forum that you’ll post any article you can find that touches tangentially on anything you can tie to “the Left” so that you can play “whatabout” with problems that are most associated with the far Right and generally just to see if you can get some reaction from any of the more liberal posters here in the LR, and in doing so, you’ll be sure to make your post as dickish as you can just for good measure.

What’s wrong with my premise? That there is antisemitism on the Left or there would be reflexive responses here that didn’t bother to consider the truth of that statement?

You have no actual premise. You have clickbait.

The point my friend is the reflexive whataboutism.

Yeah, that’s probably something you should work on.

You feel the BBC article is whataboutism? Interesting tack to take

I think the BBC article has fuckall to do with whataboutism.

I think you’re so desperate for the attention you get by being a tool here in this forum that you’ll post any article you can find that touches tangentially on anything you can tie to “the Left” so that you can play “whatabout” with problems that are most associated with the far Right and generally just to see if you can get some reaction from any of the more liberal posters here in the LR, and in doing so, you’ll be sure to make your post as dickish as you can just for good measure.



The point my friend is the reflexive whataboutism.

Yeah, that’s probably something you should work on.

You feel the BBC article is whataboutism? Interesting tack to take

I think the BBC article has fuckall to do with whataboutism.

I think you’re so desperate for the attention you get by being a tool here in this forum that you’ll post any article you can find that touches tangentially on anything you can tie to “the Left” so that you can play “whatabout” with problems that are most associated with the far Right and generally just to see if you can get some reaction from any of the more liberal posters here in the LR, and in doing so, you’ll be sure to make your post as dickish as you can just for good measure.

What’s wrong with my premise? That there is antisemitism on the Left or there would be reflexive responses here that didn’t bother to consider the truth of that statement?

I assume that since left leaning people in the US must now answer for far left people in France you will be willing to go over the actions of Orban, which are even more relevant since right wing people in the US have praised him repeatedly. We could be here a while.

The point my friend is the reflexive whataboutism.

Yeah, that’s probably something you should work on.

You feel the BBC article is whataboutism? Interesting tack to take

I think the BBC article has fuckall to do with whataboutism.

I think you’re so desperate for the attention you get by being a tool here in this forum that you’ll post any article you can find that touches tangentially on anything you can tie to “the Left” so that you can play “whatabout” with problems that are most associated with the far Right and generally just to see if you can get some reaction from any of the more liberal posters here in the LR, and in doing so, you’ll be sure to make your post as dickish as you can just for good measure.

What’s wrong with my premise? That there is antisemitism on the Left or there would be reflexive responses here that didn’t bother to consider the truth of that statement?

Of course there is some anti-Semitism on the left. If a third of the country is on the left (not a precise number, just offered as an illustration) that is more than 100mm people. There will be considerable diversity within that group, including some anti-Semites.

If you want to have a serious discussion of the causes, extent, and implications of anti-Semitism on the left, that might be possible. But you know perfectly well how politics and the LR work. If you title your thread with just a reference to the Left, you’re gonna get whataboutism, because it’s so obvious that there is huge anti-Semitism on the right. The thread will strike many as disingenuous.

Alternatively, you could begin a thread that concedes there is a lot of anti-Semitism on the right, which perhaps comes in different flavors than anti-Semitism on the left. Positioning the issue that way, you probably could get people on the left to discuss anti-Semitism without them feeling that, by doing so, they are making some concession that this is predominantly a problem on the left. You didn’t try to do that, and the results were predictable.

Over the top much?

Sure. There’s nothing serious about Windy’s posts, so why not have a little fun. It is the first time I can remember him invoking the echo chamber boogieman, which is normally the last refuge of the far right MAGA nutjobs here in the LR.

But all we got on this thread is "the right sucks too ".

So are you! Any reply that puts him near the top of the thread list gives him the needed endorphin rush. This post included.

Over the top much?

Sure. There’s nothing serious about Windy’s posts, so why not have a little fun. It is the first time I can remember him invoking the echo chamber boogieman, which is normally the last refuge of the far right MAGA nutjobs here in the LR.

When the first response is Nutella with a whataboutism (which he is normally the first to point out if it’s the other way around), it seems windy touched a nerve.

It’s not that hard to acknowledge there’s a problem in the U.S. while at the same time pointing out his article about France is not super relevant to the U.S.

But all we got on this thread is "the right sucks too ".

Y’all are just playing his game.

See post #57.

Over the top much?

Sure. There’s nothing serious about Windy’s posts, so why not have a little fun. It is the first time I can remember him invoking the echo chamber boogieman, which is normally the last refuge of the far right MAGA nutjobs here in the LR.

“Circle jerk” is the last refuge.

Over the top much?

Sure. There’s nothing serious about Windy’s posts, so why not have a little fun. It is the first time I can remember him invoking the echo chamber boogieman, which is normally the last refuge of the far right MAGA nutjobs here in the LR.

“Circle jerk” is the last refuge.

Well frankly this place tends to be a circle jerk in a left wing echo chamber with the majority all sharing the same brain, and spitting out the same opinions. Anyone with an independent thought or bucks the group think gets the Windy treatment so f glad he posts here.