You know the Left has an antisemitism problem

You can always tell how correct your position is here by how quickly Nutella bot jumps on to try to change the subject to something else

To be clear, does believing that the Israeli government is running an apartheid Regime and treating the Palestinians like shit make me an anti semite?

Definitions matter, so maybe we need to get some clarification.

For the Left-leaners in this thread, do you support the recent House censure of Rep. Rashida Tlaib? Why, or why not?

For the Left-leaners in this thread, do you support the recent House censure of Rep. Rashida Tlaib? Why, or why not?

Sure, not a great phrase. Censure away. Though her statements since have been quite reasonable.

I wish though the same sorts of censure could be done on MTG, Gaetz, Gosar, King, who have said anti-semitic things, and attended white supremacist events. Do you agree? Why or why not? Discuss!

Right-wing antisemitism has different flavor then left wing. Left wing is more supportive of Palestinian statehood, with the more extreme elements playing footsie with the uglier forms of militants/terrorists. Right wing is more “Nazi,” casting Jewish people as conniving money-controllers who need to be put under control. With the more extreme elements playing footsie with those who want to kill Jewish people.

To be clear, does believing that the Israeli government is running an apartheid Regime and treating the Palestinians like shit make me an anti semite?

Definitions matter, so maybe we need to get some clarification.

For the Left-leaners in this thread, do you support the recent House censure of Rep. Rashida Tlaib? Why, or why not?

Yup. Tlaib is an idiot.

The leader of your party called the crowd of thugs marching with torches chanting "Jews will not replace us!’ “Fine People”. You were silent. Days after Soros received a pipe bomb Kevin McCarthy falsely accuse three Jewish billionaires — George Soros, Tom Steyer, and Michael Bloomberg — of trying to “buy” the midterms. You were silent. Louie Gohmert spews antisemitic troupes you say nothing. Matt Gaetz invited a holocaust denier to the State of the Union. *You, Windy, and Tyler said nothing. * Steve King has a long history of promoting white nationalism, Islamophobia, and anti-Semitism. How many threads has Windy started on him? Paul Gosar has spewed so much antisemitic hate that his own brother disowned him. You said nothing.

You, Tyler, and Windy are the kings of selective outrage.

For the Left-leaners in this thread, do you support the recent House censure of Rep. Rashida Tlaib? Why, or why not?

Sure, not a great phrase. Censure away. Though her statements since have been quite reasonable.

**I wish though the same sorts of censure could be done on MTG, Gaetz, Gosar, King, who have said anti-semitic things, and attended white supremacist events. Do you agree? Why or why not? Discuss! **

Right-wing antisemitism has different flavor then left wing. Left wing is more supportive of Palestinian statehood, with the more extreme elements playing footsie with the uglier forms of militants/terrorists. Right wing is more “Nazi,” casting Jewish people as conniving money-controllers who need to be put under control. With the more extreme elements playing footsie with those who want to kill Jewish people.

Windy prefers to focus on the complex nature of antisemitism in France and ignore the warm embrace his party gives to antisemites.

To be clear, does believing that the Israeli government is running an apartheid Regime and treating the Palestinians like shit make me an anti semite?

Definitions matter, so maybe we need to get some clarification.

For the Left-leaners in this thread, do you support the recent House censure of Rep. Rashida Tlaib? Why, or why not?

No. The phrase she used certainly has been used in anti-Semitic ways, but it is not always used that way. She denies calling for the destruction of Israel. Most of what she wrote is well within the bounds of fair commentary, especially given the context. If what she said warrants censure, then by that standard, a vast amount of votes and rhetoric by R members of Congress deserves censure.

To be clear, does believing that the Israeli government is running an apartheid Regime and treating the Palestinians like shit make me an anti semite?

Definitions matter, so maybe we need to get some clarification.

For the Left-leaners in this thread, do you support the recent House censure of Rep. Rashida Tlaib? Why, or why not?

Yup. Tlaib is an idiot.

The leader of your party called the crowd of thugs marching with torches chanting "Jews will not replace us!’ “Fine People”. You were silent. Days after Soros received a pipe bomb Kevin McCarthy falsely accuse three Jewish billionaires — George Soros, Tom Steyer, and Michael Bloomberg — of trying to “buy” the midterms. You were silent. Louie Gohmert spews antisemitic troupes you say nothing. Matt Gaetz invited a holocaust denier to the State of the Union. *You, Windy, and Tyler said nothing. * Steve King has a long history of promoting white nationalism, Islamophobia, and anti-Semitism. How many threads has Windy started on him? Paul Gosar has spewed so much antisemitic hate that his own brother disowned him. You said nothing.

You, Tyler, and Windy are the kings of selective outrage.
Fair points

Maybe you can explain to me about Republicans and antisemitism.

Around the time of the Bush II administration, Republicans fell in love with Israel, but they still kept hating the Jews. How does that work?

See reflexive reference in the OP

Yeah, it really does simplify your argument when you preemptively dismiss anyone who disagrees with you as being brainwashed.

The point my friend is the reflexive whataboutism. Perhaps acknowledging the Left has an issue is frightening to some. I mean there is a reason the far left parties boycotted in France, no?

To be clear, does believing that the Israeli government is running an apartheid Regime and treating the Palestinians like shit make me an anti semite?

Only you know what resides in your heart

Typically whenever anyone says anything even remotely negative about Israel they get labeled an anti semite.

So I don’t put much stock in stupid nonsense like this.

That’s your choice

Maybe you can explain to me about Republicans and antisemitism.

Around the time of the Bush II administration, Republicans fell in love with Israel, but they still kept hating the Jews. How does that work?

See reflexive reference in the OP

Yeah, it really does simplify your argument when you preemptively dismiss anyone who disagrees with you as being brainwashed.

Guess you couldn’t be arsed to read the article

100,000 people in France marched against antisemitism and this is what you got out of it;

You know the Left has an antisemitism problem
. Really?!

When even the French left is rejected

You leaving the above out is probably why you’re confused

Not without reason I reflexively expect you to be wrong about pretty much everything, in your tireless efforts to be a dick about pretty much everything.

However, out of a respect you don’t deserve I have given your post my considered reflection and determined that, yep, you are again quite wrong. You’re coming across as a dick again, though, so you’ll be pleased with that result.

So the French Left parties did join the march or are you just moving your lips and not saying anything again?

Not without reason I reflexively expect you to be wrong about pretty much everything, in your tireless efforts to be a dick about pretty much everything.

However, out of a respect you don’t deserve I have given your post my considered reflection and determined that, yep, you are again quite wrong. You’re coming across as a dick again, though, so you’ll be pleased with that result.

So the French Left parties did join the march or are you just moving your lips and not saying anything again?
I arrived in Toulouse Sunday for a week or meetings. To stay awake I went for a walk and happened upon a gathering of several thousand people, police with some impressive firepower, and my croissant. I guess my tired international travel mind could not put together the signs about a kidnapped child and date written on the sign. Anyway, this happened to be an antisemitism gathering. My jet lagged brain is awake at 4 am local this morning and I found a local story

The left (LFI), at least in Toulouse, participated, just not at the same time as the right (RN). From a Google translation of the linked article

“It is not only in Paris that the major demonstration against anti-Semitism is dividing. We know that at the national level, LFI refuses to march in the presence of the RN, which has announced its participation.”

Now if I can get a couple more hours of sleep before work…

Maybe you can explain to me about Republicans and antisemitism.

Around the time of the Bush II administration, Republicans fell in love with Israel, but they still kept hating the Jews. How does that work?

See reflexive reference in the OP

Yeah, it really does simplify your argument when you preemptively dismiss anyone who disagrees with you as being brainwashed.

The point my friend is the reflexive whataboutism. Perhaps acknowledging the Left has an issue is frightening to some. I mean there is a reason the far left parties boycotted in France, no?

Your point is to deflect from the fact that a portion of your party has warmly embraced antisemitism. Acknowledging this fact is frightening to you so you post some babble about France.

Yup. Tlaib is an idiot.
Your response qualifies as outrage?

The leader of your party called the crowd of thugs marching with torches chanting "Jews will not replace us!’ “Fine People”. You were silent.
I was actively posting at RoadBikeReview, as were you, during Charlottesville. You’ve been caught lying again.

Yup. Tlaib is an idiot.
Your response qualifies as outrage?

The leader of your party called the crowd of thugs marching with torches chanting "Jews will not replace us!’ “Fine People”. You were silent.
I was actively posting at RoadBikeReview, as were you, during Charlottesville. You’ve been caught lying again.

What did you post here?

The point my friend is the reflexive whataboutism.

Yeah, that’s probably something you should work on.

Yup. Tlaib is an idiot.
Your response qualifies as outrage?

The leader of your party called the crowd of thugs marching with torches chanting "Jews will not replace us!’ “Fine People”. You were silent.
I was actively posting at RoadBikeReview, as were you, during Charlottesville. You’ve been caught lying again.

Prove it. Show us your posts condemning the antisemitism of Gaetz, Trump, Greene, Gomert, Mccarthey, etc. Your fellow traveler Windy is triggered by some vague article about France but is completely silent about his party, in his country.

What did you post here?

I wasn’t posting on ST or in the LR at all during Charlottesville.

What did you post here?

I wasn’t posting on ST or in the LR at all during Charlottesville.

As I showed many leading members of the GOP have promoted antisemitic tropes recently. You, Windy, and Tyler have said nothing. You have been silent.

…….but France

The point my friend is the reflexive whataboutism.

Yeah, that’s probably something you should work on.

You feel the BBC article is whataboutism? Interesting tack to take