You appreciate me! You really appreciate me!


So you’re telling me that only 3 other people are appreciated in the LR (maybe even ST writ large)? I’m considering this an absolute win.

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I am indifferent towards you.

Your history of tracking my post count would suggest otherwise,…fanboy.

DEI appreciation. Token middle age white male.

I would never do such a thing and there is no proof that I would do such a thing. If I was going to track someone’s post count you would not be the chosen one.

You keep repeating this story over and over again everywhere you go.


Think again, mon frere.

Congratulations slowguy! - Lavender Room - Slowtwitch Forum

Did your post count page make the transition??

That’s clearly a deep fake Made by the fake news media and Russian troll bots. It’s sad that you fell for it

It’s called “receipts.” I brought 'em.

It’s ok to admit you appreciate me.

Not sure. I’m not sure how one would even look it up in this new architecture. but I’m sure BleP will find out since he’s the chair and managing secretary of the slowguy fan club.

You’ve brought nothing. If there’s one thing that I have learned from Trump it’s that if I keep repeating the same bullshit over and over again… despite all the evidence to the contrary, idiots on this board will believe me.

You’re at 43681 and counting

So no.

Or maybe just damning with faint praise? Get some more badges and we will build you a shadow box to put on your “I love me” Wall.

See how easy this is?

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As far as I can tell from my profile summary page, it says I have somewhere around 45,400 or so posts. Based on the old thread, there would have been somewhere north of 50k. So it looks like some portion of the old forum didn’t get ported over which tracks. For example, the old Wordle thread doesn’t seem to have been moved over. I don’t know if there’s still a user’s ranking page. I’m sure BleP will find it if there is.

I guess if you post enough. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while

I just got one saying I’m a good reader. Might print it out and put it on my fridge. Maybe I can get even gooder.

Just noticed that there are Bronze, Silver, and Gold levels for Badges (OK - gold, white, and yellow)

Keep up the work!!!

Time warp back to the 1980’s and go to Pizza Hut to claim your personal pan pizza!

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