Why Harris-Walz would be a disaster for the country

The no tax on tips which Trump said two months ago is a good idea

Is it? Why is that kind of income special? Who gets to not claim tips? Can a lawyer be tipped? Why or why not? How do you make the distinction on when and for whom “tips” are not claimed as income?

This seems like a half-baked idea that opens up a whole lot of options for avoiding income taxes.

This seems like a fully baked idea that opens up a whole lot of options for avoiding income taxes.


The no tax on tips which Trump said two months ago is a good idea

Is it? Why is that kind of income special? Who gets to not claim tips? Can a lawyer be tipped? Why or why not? How do you make the distinction on when and for whom “tips” are not claimed as income?

This seems like a half-baked idea that opens up a whole lot of options for avoiding income taxes.

It also basically removes any chance of us reversing this toxic tipping thing we’ve got going on right now.

If the VP pick is more than just swinging for the swing voters to come over to their way, and Harris runs to the middle to join her teammate, then all is good. I don’t think that is the case, but “moderate” seems to be relative.


From the linked source in that thread:
"Minnesota lawmakers say they, too, had to overcome opposition: from Gov. Tim Walz.

The governor, whose proposed budget included expanding MinnesotaCare for children, resisted the plan to open access to all low-income undocumented residents, according to three DFL legislative sources.

The sources, who were granted anonymity to discuss private negotiations, say the Walz administration said there weren’t enough votes for it in the narrowly divided Senate. Except Senate Democrats are united behind the plan, the sources say, and some members said they wouldn’t vote for it unless all undocumented people were included.

Only after Democratic lawmakers insisted on moving forward with the plan did Walz relent, on the condition the Legislature accept a number of changes to the health budget bill, according to the sources."

A governor doing his job and a legislature doing theirs is how I see that issue played out.

Affordable Health care for all residents, regardless of their status, in my opinion, does not fit well into the liberal v conservative argument. And, I agree that moderate is very much a relative term.

The** no tax on tips which Trump said two months ago** is a good idea so if your platform is totally scripted like team Biden then you roll with even though it’s not yours.
Trump also said no tax on social security that would be huge.

When Trump claims it is “his policy” he is not being honest. The President cannot unilaterally decree no taxes on tips and no tax social security, that is Congress’ job. It was good to see that Harris and Walz were honest about this and said they would need to work with Congress.

“The proposal would require legislation. As President, she would work with Congress to craft a proposal that comes with an income limit and with strict requirements to prevent hedge fund managers and lawyers from structuring their compensation in ways to try to take advantage of the policy.”

If the VP pick is more than just swinging for the swing voters to come over to their way, and Harris runs to the middle to join her teammate, then all is good. I don’t think that is the case, but “moderate” seems to be relative.


From the linked source in that thread:
"Minnesota lawmakers say they, too, had to overcome opposition: from Gov. Tim Walz.

The governor, whose proposed budget included expanding MinnesotaCare for children, resisted the plan to open access to all low-income undocumented residents, according to three DFL legislative sources.

The sources, who were granted anonymity to discuss private negotiations, say the Walz administration said there weren’t enough votes for it in the narrowly divided Senate. Except Senate Democrats are united behind the plan, the sources say, and some members said they wouldn’t vote for it unless all undocumented people were included.

Only after Democratic lawmakers insisted on moving forward with the plan did Walz relent, on the condition the Legislature accept a number of changes to the health budget bill, according to the sources."

A governor doing his job and a legislature doing theirs is how I see that issue played out.

Affordable Health care for all residents, regardless of their status, in my opinion, does not fit well into the liberal v conservative argument. And, I agree that moderate is very much a relative term.

Indeed, it doesn’t. For example Utah, hardly a liberal state, recently started providing health care to undocumented children. Plenty of Christians support it.

Appreciate the response. For future reference I think it helps to use deliberate and precise language.

“Complaining about Harris crowds has not changed my vote”

Trump didn’t “complain” about her crowd; he either lied, or he was duped by an easily debunked conspiracy. I don’t personally care which one you choose to believe but I do care that in this thread that we don’t intentionally water down the language of facts as to be completely devoid of meaning. I think you will find people more receptive to your words if they aren’t perceived as deflection and spin.

I’m not trying to sugar coat things

Lying about Harris crowd does not change my vote. Being duped does not either

Was copying “no tax on tips” acceptable (to you)?

Do you feel Walz position relative to his military service is being watered down by some here? Because he did in fact lie about it (whether that’s a big deal or not).

Should I expect to see you making these sorts of judgements in both directions here? Or is this just until you and I directly get straightened out. Because it seems to me there is a lot of deflection and spin that goes on here……. I don’t really feel the need to spin Trump. Anybody who hasn’t drawn a trump conclusion in life isn’t paying attention

As I said things like lying/being duped etc don’t really move the needle (for me). I can’t express what would. But it’s not hitler rapist insurrectionist liar duped etc etc

We were lied to for years by the Biden admin pretty much across the board. Including Harris lying about his mental abilities.

Somebody’s going to have to do better than crowd size. For me.

The no tax on tips which Trump said two months ago is a good idea so if your platform is totally scripted like team Biden then you roll with even though it’s not yours.
Trump also said no tax on social security that would be huge.

As far as Tim goes he needs to STOP saying he retired as CSM he retired as Sergeant Major, and never set foot in a combat zone.

My guess is no tax on tips will be right there with build a wall and have Mexico pay for it.

It attracts particular voter you want. Which is why it’s now popular with both.

I’m looking more to see some detail to Harris plan as a whole. I expect to get this week or next

I’m good with the Reps 20 platform points. I’m not good with the doofus at the top of the ticket focusing more on crowd size than these 20 points.

Compassionate conservatism? Where have I heard of that? Must have been before Trump took over.

Compassionate conservatism? Where have I heard of that? Must have been before Trump took over.

Now they call them RINOs.

The** no tax on tips which Trump said two months ago** is a good idea so if your platform is totally scripted like team Biden then you roll with even though it’s not yours.
Trump also said no tax on social security that would be huge.

When Trump claims it is “his policy” he is not being honest. The President cannot unilaterally decree no taxes on tips and no tax social security, that is Congress’ job. It was good to see that Harris and Walz were honest about this and said they would need to work with Congress.

“The proposal would require legislation. As President, she would work with Congress to craft a proposal that comes with an income limit and with strict requirements to prevent hedge fund managers and lawyers from structuring their compensation in ways to try to take advantage of the policy.”

I’m still curious why tipped income is different than wage income.

Compassionate conservatism? Where have I heard of that? Must have been before Trump took over.

Now they call them RINOs.

To Dave Hamm’s question, just maybe those guys will be re-branded as authentic Republicans and the MAGA crowd will be re-branded as …, I don’t know, maybe what they truly are, WEIRD.

The** no tax on tips which Trump said two months ago** is a good idea so if your platform is totally scripted like team Biden then you roll with even though it’s not yours.
Trump also said no tax on social security that would be huge.

When Trump claims it is “his policy” he is not being honest. The President cannot unilaterally decree no taxes on tips and no tax social security, that is Congress’ job. It was good to see that Harris and Walz were honest about this and said they would need to work with Congress.

“The proposal would require legislation. As President, she would work with Congress to craft a proposal that comes with an income limit and with strict requirements to prevent hedge fund managers and lawyers from structuring their compensation in ways to try to take advantage of the policy.”

I’m still curious why tipped income is different than wage income.

I believe it goes to being able to add a lot of different items as “tips” and therefore make more and more income, not taxable.

The no tax on tips which Trump said two months ago is a good idea

Is it? Why is that kind of income special? Who gets to not claim tips? Can a lawyer be tipped? Why or why not? How do you make the distinction on when and for whom “tips” are not claimed as income?

This seems like a half-baked idea that opens up a whole lot of options for avoiding income taxes.

It also basically removes any chance of us reversing this toxic tipping thing we’ve got going on right now.
If the Dems want a winning platform on tips, they should come up with a plan of eliminating them all together. I don’t know how one could make tipping illegal, maybe make it part of their increasing the minimum wage platform.

The** no tax on tips which Trump said two months ago** is a good idea so if your platform is totally scripted like team Biden then you roll with even though it’s not yours.
Trump also said no tax on social security that would be huge.

When Trump claims it is “his policy” he is not being honest. The President cannot unilaterally decree no taxes on tips and no tax social security, that is Congress’ job. It was good to see that Harris and Walz were honest about this and said they would need to work with Congress.

“The proposal would require legislation. As President, she would work with Congress to craft a proposal that comes with an income limit and with strict requirements to prevent hedge fund managers and lawyers from structuring their compensation in ways to try to take advantage of the policy.”

I’m still curious why tipped income is different than wage income.

I’m surprised enough people report tips that it’s even an issue but I guess that’s a function of people paying with credit cards nowadays rather than cash?

The** no tax on tips which Trump said two months ago** is a good idea so if your platform is totally scripted like team Biden then you roll with even though it’s not yours.
Trump also said no tax on social security that would be huge.

When Trump claims it is “his policy” he is not being honest. The President cannot unilaterally decree no taxes on tips and no tax social security, that is Congress’ job. It was good to see that Harris and Walz were honest about this and said they would need to work with Congress.

“The proposal would require legislation. As President, she would work with Congress to craft a proposal that comes with an income limit and with strict requirements to prevent hedge fund managers and lawyers from structuring their compensation in ways to try to take advantage of the policy.”

I’m still curious why tipped income is different than wage income.

It isn’t. It is just election year, populist, nonsense. I have yet to see a single real economist that supports it.

The** no tax on tips which Trump said two months ago** is a good idea so if your platform is totally scripted like team Biden then you roll with even though it’s not yours.
Trump also said no tax on social security that would be huge.

When Trump claims it is “his policy” he is not being honest. The President cannot unilaterally decree no taxes on tips and no tax social security, that is Congress’ job. It was good to see that Harris and Walz were honest about this and said they would need to work with Congress.

“The proposal would require legislation. As President, she would work with Congress to craft a proposal that comes with an income limit and with strict requirements to prevent hedge fund managers and lawyers from structuring their compensation in ways to try to take advantage of the policy.”

I’m still curious why tipped income is different than wage income.

I’m surprised enough people report tips that it’s even an issue but I guess that’s a function of people paying with credit cards nowadays rather than cash?

I delivered thousands upon thousands of pizzas over the years.Never once did any of those cheap bastards tip me.

But that was pre-credit cards for delivery. And why I try to tip in cash any time I can.

I’m not averse to giving these workers a break on taxes. It just doesn’t make sense to create a distinction between tips and wages.

I’m good with the Reps 20 platform points. I’m not good with the doofus at the top of the ticket focusing more on crowd size than these 20 points.

I discussed Trump’s proposals here:


Care to counter, if you’re good with his platform?

I’m good with the Reps 20 platform points. I’m not good with the doofus at the top of the ticket focusing more on crowd size than these 20 points.

I discussed Trump’s proposals here:


Care to counter, if you’re good with his platform?
Can’t speak for Tyler, but I suspect he and we are waiting for the platform of the democratic party and their candidate so we can then have a compare and contrast. For the time being however,

I mean what is not to like about it? On foreign policy it can’t get any better than this:


One must assume that since the devil resides in the details of any endeavor, why even go there?

The no tax on tips which Trump said two months ago is a good idea

Is it? Why is that kind of income special? Who gets to not claim tips? Can a lawyer be tipped? Why or why not? How do you make the distinction on when and for whom “tips” are not claimed as income?

This seems like a half-baked idea that opens up a whole lot of options for avoiding income taxes.

I agree with this. There quite likely are people working in service industries that at doing very well who ought to be paying taxes. Or restaurants make wait staff even more dependent on tips on the premise it is non taxable income so they can justify paying less. It is just a dumb idea


Have not done a deep dive on this but if Tim Walz is donating large sums to an anti-Semitic Muslim cleric that seems troublesome.