Why Harris-Walz would be a disaster for the country

frankly Harris Walz have not taken enough of a position on anything yet to even have this conversation.

A party platform might be instructive, but Harris’ Presidential campaign and Walz’ gubernatorial record might be better indicators of how they would govern when given the chance. Gonna vote R down-ballot.

Historically the party platform is released the first day of the Convention. It starts in 9 days with a barbeque at Windy’s house.

frankly Harris Walz have not taken enough of a position on anything yet to even have this conversation.

A party platform might be instructive, but Harris’ Presidential campaign and Walz’ gubernatorial record might be better indicators of how they would govern when given the chance. Gonna vote R down-ballot.

I don’t think they can win with Harris pres campaign. I think they know that

Which gets to my point of if this campaign is different than her previous positions. In and out of the WH. What do we have to base our “belief” on any changes.

Time will tell

Is there any platform that Harris could run on that would persuade you to vote for her?

Is there anything Trump could do to lose your vote for him?

I don’t think they can win with Harris pres campaign. I think they know that

Straying a bit off topic here, but I heard an analyst describe it as, Obama created a movement, but now the movement has created Kamala. It certainly feels that way. She has impressive qualities and admirable accomplishments but she is in many respects the opposite of Trump and Obama style leaders. They built their brands and drove the electorate with the force of their personality and appeal. Kamala, like Biden to a large degree, has been drafted as a competent bus driver to transport the (Anti-Trump) movement into the winner’s circle. So I think letting the excitement of this development soak in, with only minimal pushing and prodding, heading into the convention makes sense, especially with Trump and Vance stumbling over themselves since their own. First rule when your opponent is digging themselves a hole is, don’t take their shovel away. Or something to that effect.

But at some point she needs to lay out a vision for her presidency. I fully expect that will be highly focus grouped and tailored to swing state middle America voters.

I think Tyler is right in that they would have a difficult time winning with her previous campaign message. That message didn’t make it very far to begin with (though maybe different in a general rather than a primary). She was roundly criticized for lacking vision then and in her previous campaigns for lacking conviction. We shall see what she and her team have been able to learn in the past few years. I think she has much better odds of winning the Presidency than she would have at winning the Democratic nomination if Biden had bowed out this time last year. A lot of that is due to her having such a weak opponent rather than any specific strengths.

Is there any platform that Harris could run on that would persuade you to vote for her?

Is there anything Trump could do to lose your vote for him?

I live in a rural area and work in a white collar/professional environment in the DC metro area. So I don’t know many blue collar people generally, but of those I do, none vote Democrat.

In my view it’s a matter of branding and identity–liberals are seen as soft God-hating atheist commies and Republicans aren’t. Blue collar guys don’t identify with that. But I don’t see how the GOP has been working for them over the last four decades.

So, what about Harris and Walz records or positions exemplify why that is–how are they bad for the working class? What is Trump delivering for them that Harris-Walz don’t?

See, I don’t get this. some big unions (united auto workers) tend to be blue, and endorsed Biden/harris, but it seems a lot of their workers vote red. What’s with the discrepancy?

Is there any platform that Harris could run on that would persuade you to vote for her?

Is there anything Trump could do to lose your vote for him?

Yes and yes

But it would have to be significant and I’m not sure I could describe what either would look like.

How about you? Same question

I live in a rural area and work in a white collar/professional environment in the DC metro area. So I don’t know many blue collar people generally, but of those I do, none vote Democrat.

In my view it’s a matter of branding and identity–liberals are seen as soft God-hating atheist commies and Republicans aren’t. Blue collar guys don’t identify with that. But I don’t see how the GOP has been working for them over the last four decades.

So, what about Harris and Walz records or positions exemplify why that is–how are they bad for the working class? What is Trump delivering for them that Harris-Walz don’t?

See, I don’t get this. some big unions (united auto workers) tend to be blue, and endorsed Biden/harris, but it seems a lot of their workers vote red. What’s with the discrepancy?

I’m in construction and find humor in union ironworkers with MAGA stickers on their hard hats.

The reason they lean that way is they identify with MAGA- anti-woke, stick it to the man.

That is truly what they believe. They do not seem to understand that the Dems are going all in on forcing our industry to be union.

Yes, the iron workers union supported Biden, I know a lot of iron workers and they are almost all republican/trumpers. They must be pissed at their union leadership

I live in a rural area and work in a white collar/professional environment in the DC metro area. So I don’t know many blue collar people generally, but of those I do, none vote Democrat.

In my view it’s a matter of branding and identity–liberals are seen as soft God-hating atheist commies and Republicans aren’t. Blue collar guys don’t identify with that. But I don’t see how the GOP has been working for them over the last four decades.

So, what about Harris and Walz records or positions exemplify why that is–how are they bad for the working class? What is Trump delivering for them that Harris-Walz don’t?

See, I don’t get this. some big unions (united auto workers) tend to be blue, and endorsed Biden/harris, but it seems a lot of their workers vote red. What’s with the discrepancy?

It’s not a union thing. It’s a working class blue collar thing. Union and non union

There’s a shift occurring in which party they relate to more. The union bosses are late to the party but they see it happening and are trying to adjust. See Teamster President speaking at RNC

The left has shifted as well. They are coastal, elite, and don’t value the working class (I know big generalization). They have taken their vote for granted. Blue collar is the new “armed services” type group.

If blacks and Hispanics do the same (for a lot of the same reasons) to even a 5% degree in this election Dems are in trouble.

Working class now sees Dems as Silicon Valley and Hollywood and DC. Not themselves

I live in a rural area and work in a white collar/professional environment in the DC metro area. So I don’t know many blue collar people generally, but of those I do, none vote Democrat.

In my view it’s a matter of branding and identity–liberals are seen as soft God-hating atheist commies and Republicans aren’t. Blue collar guys don’t identify with that. But I don’t see how the GOP has been working for them over the last four decades.

So, what about Harris and Walz records or positions exemplify why that is–how are they bad for the working class? What is Trump delivering for them that Harris-Walz don’t?

See, I don’t get this. some big unions (united auto workers) tend to be blue, and endorsed Biden/harris, but it seems a lot of their workers vote red. What’s with the discrepancy?

It’s not a union thing. It’s a working class blue collar thing. Union and non union

There’s a shift occurring in which party they relate to more. The union bosses are late to the party but they see it happening and are trying to adjust. See Teamster President speaking at RNC

The left has shifted as well. They are coastal, elite, and don’t value the working class (I know big generalization). They have taken their vote for granted. Blue collar is the new “armed services” type group.

If blacks and Hispanics do the same (for a lot of the same reasons) to even a 5% degree in this election Dems are in trouble.

Working class now sees Dems as Silicon Valley and Hollywood and DC. Not themselves

The Teamster President requested to speak at both party conventions.


Harris pledges to raise the minimum wage and (stop me if you’ve heard this before) eliminate tax on tips for service and hospitality workers.


Harris pledges to raise the minimum wage and (stop me if you’ve heard this before) eliminate tax on tips for service and hospitality workers.


”Kamala Harris, whose “Honeymoon” period is ENDING, and is starting to get hammered in the Polls, just copied my NO TAXES ON TIPS Policy. The difference is, she won’t do it, she just wants it for Political Purposes! This was a TRUMP idea - She has no ideas, she can only steal from me. Remember, Kamala has proposed the LARGEST TAX INCREASE IN HISTORY It won’t happen. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!”


Once again pledging to sign the border bill.

Vice President Harris: “Earlier this year, we had a chance to pass the toughest bipartisan border security Bill in decades. But Donald Trump tanked the deal because he thought by doing that it would help him win an election. But when I am president, I will sign the Bill.”


I live in a rural area and work in a white collar/professional environment in the DC metro area. So I don’t know many blue collar people generally, but of those I do, none vote Democrat.

In my view it’s a matter of branding and identity–liberals are seen as soft God-hating atheist commies and Republicans aren’t. Blue collar guys don’t identify with that. But I don’t see how the GOP has been working for them over the last four decades.

So, what about Harris and Walz records or positions exemplify why that is–how are they bad for the working class? What is Trump delivering for them that Harris-Walz don’t?

See, I don’t get this. some big unions (united auto workers) tend to be blue, and endorsed Biden/harris, but it seems a lot of their workers vote red. What’s with the discrepancy?

Union organizers and union workers tend to be different people politically . I don’t know about America but here in Canada it seems a lot of union leaders/organizers are people quite left from their members. Some have British accents came her from Britain and brought their left leaning politics with them

But we are not taking about who they might vote for in private. Who they publicly endorse is based on their discussion with key leaders throughout their trades, which in an ideal circumstance is represents the best interest of the workforce. Wages, benefits, etc. On a more local level, they are for who is most for them.

I live in a rural area and work in a white collar/professional environment in the DC metro area. So I don’t know many blue collar people generally, but of those I do, none vote Democrat.

In my view it’s a matter of branding and identity–liberals are seen as soft God-hating atheist commies and Republicans aren’t. Blue collar guys don’t identify with that. But I don’t see how the GOP has been working for them over the last four decades.

So, what about Harris and Walz records or positions exemplify why that is–how are they bad for the working class? What is Trump delivering for them that Harris-Walz don’t?

See, I don’t get this. some big unions (united auto workers) tend to be blue, and endorsed Biden/harris, but it seems a lot of their workers vote red. What’s with the discrepancy?

It’s not a union thing. It’s a working class blue collar thing. Union and non union

There’s a shift occurring in which party they relate to more. The union bosses are late to the party but they see it happening and are trying to adjust. See Teamster President speaking at RNC

The left has shifted as well. They are coastal, elite, and don’t value the working class (I know big generalization). They have taken their vote for granted. Blue collar is the new “armed services” type group.

If blacks and Hispanics do the same (for a lot of the same reasons) to even a 5% degree in this election Dems are in trouble.

Working class now sees Dems as Silicon Valley and Hollywood and DC. Not themselves

The Teamster President requested to speak at both party conventions.


He did.

Has the DNC taken him up on his request yet?

The Teamster President spoke at the RNC. If you want to pretend this is “business as usual” there is 100+ years that argue against you. But I encourage you to continue to believe you have this section of American voter covered by your party

Coastal. Elite. Taking work class for granted. Thanks for confirming.

Harris pledges to raise the minimum wage and (stop me if you’ve heard this before) eliminate tax on tips for service and hospitality workers.


Harris knows that the President does not control stuff like this but I doubt Trump does.

Who knew there were so many “Coastal Elites” in Detroit?

And Arizona?


Harris knows that the President does not control stuff like this but I doubt Trump does.

Who knew there were so many “Coastal Elites” in Detroit?

And Arizona?

It looks like enthusiasm for the Dem ticket is up a little.