Vote here on the new forum format

DM me with your old username, I can change emails to recover those for people (and let you know if your name changed in formatting with the new system.)

I hadnā€™t thought of that yet.

While I am getting used to it, I have yet to find one feature thatā€™s better than what we already had.

I am going to assume that this change was done for financial reasons because there really was no need to ā€œupgradeā€ the forum. It worked perfectly well.

I think we can assume the change was less about user experience and more about making the forums manageable for the people who have to maintain and run the site.

This, for sure. The site is much slower today than it even was the first couple of days. Not sure if thatā€™s a function of the work theyā€™re doing to pull data and reestablish, but if it will be the new norm, then itā€™s a definite backward step.

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Ok I looked for how to DM someone and could not see anything? I clicked on your username and there was nothing obvious to me? What am I missing?? :upside_down_face:

Verrrrrrrrryā€¦slow today.

If you click on the userā€™s name/avatar, a small box with their profile should pop up. There should be a blue button in the top right of that box that says ā€œMessage.ā€

This is simply terrible on multiple levels. Its not like Iā€™m on here like I used to be, but this format isnā€™t going to encourage more participationā€¦

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Ok thanks for the tip!

This is what I see in Chrome (tried in Edge as well)


The biggest fault that I see right now is that there are no pages in the threads and if you want to get to the end of a thread, you have to scroll and the forum has to stop and refresh. Also that you canā€™t see whoā€™s posting other than these meaningless icons.

I think people will fade away if itā€™s not easy to use.


Interesting. I donā€™t see any preference settings that would make those Chat and Message buttons go away. Looks like your other option is to go into your profile, then click on ā€œMessagesā€ along the top row, then ā€œNewā€ to compose a new message. Not as easy as accessing it right from the forum, but that might be your best option for now.

thanks! he reached out to me directly as i guess he has seen this conversation!

so hopefully it gets fixed up. i donā€™t post much but i donā€™t want to lose my identity! :slight_smile:

The whole thing is awful. Never mind that I canā€™t even log in with my old username, but navigating the threads is close to unworkable. Take this thread. Easy to scroll to the bottom, but when I want to move up to see the posts above the last one, using the scroll bar would jump me back to 129/150 or even further back. And sometimes when I click the scroll bar up (on a pc), it jumps me back to ā€œNew and Unread Topicsā€ briefly, before landing me 20 or so posts up.

The excessive white space is also annoying.

Pretty much Iā€™ve lost interest in the forum, which may be a good thing as I wasted too much time here as it was. But it was a great communityā€¦


Donā€™t like at all. The first thing to do is fix the login. Until then nothing else is worth commenting on. Having to wait for an email everytime I want to log in is horrible.

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@rrheisler Iā€™m sure you guys are working round the clock on this and it must be stressful. And Iā€™m sure listening to the blunt disapproval isnā€™t helping.

Figured Id take a moment to say thank you and acknowledge that the work is appreciated by most of us Iā€™m sure. Important to vocalize that along with our criticisms.



I have been unable to sign on to any computer using my email, or my user name and password. I reset the passwordā€¦ā€¦ still nothing.

Iā€™m usually pretty good with change but so far, I hate this.

I think Iā€™m pretty good with change too. Usually when a forum/website I frequent is updated I forget what the original version looked like in 2 days. However, this update has been awful and IMO gets worse the more I use it.

Iā€™ll take the archaic and outdated, but functional, forum over this any day of the week.

I was also logged out 3 times in trying to post this, so thatā€™s neat.

I could see myself just deleting this bookmark eventually if this is more or less what to expect of this forum moving forward.

So rrheisler fixed me up.

And the weird thing is, now that I am signed in as this user i can see the ā€œDMā€ and ā€œMessageā€ buttons when i click his avatar?

Maybe something to do with the newness of an account? Can only see those when you are more ā€œtrustedā€??

Intended functionalityā€¦you have to be a certain trust level to send new DMs. Hoping it might eliminate some of our scammers from the Classifieds (among others).

Funny enough, above your post was a note that said ā€œItā€™s been a while since weā€™ve seen Tr3 - their last post was 1 year agoā€.