Vote here on the new forum format

I will start.

Unfortunately, even without a like button, the old forum format was VASTLY better than this one.


If this is going to bring the two of us together then that says something.

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I Hate Change GIF - I hate change Change Hate - Discover ...

pasting a gif no longer seems to work.

Seems a little buggy plus these pop up windows are annoying.


this is the new forum. but it hasn’t been configured yet for our use. this forum is about 2 hours old, so, give me the rest of today and tomorrow to LEARN how to do the configuring. okay?


Is there any way to get access to the old forum? I got a notification this morning that I received a PM from another member regarding a wheelset I’m selling, but I cannot see the message since it’s in the old forum.

I sent him a message using this forum’s PM function, but am not sure if he’s going to get a notification on that or not.

i believe the pop ups are a one-time only thing. once you click the close window icon i don’t think you see that pop up anymore. but i’m learning just as you are.

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Omg. Don’t you like a little bit of a challenge? It keeps you young!

I like the new look. I like the like button. Once MKSandSo figures out how to post gifs, this place will be completely 100% to my satisfaction

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That’s promising to hear. And of course we understand the need for updates and progress. And of course we will give you the time needed to sort it out.

I think the issue was the way it was rolled out. I think we got a quick few day notice that there would be “some” changes. And that was kinda it.

But this morning we woke to a complete site overhaul with decreased functionality and lost content. Understandably there were reservations until things were addressed as that’s not what we were given a “heads up” to expect.


What happened with the deleted threads / posts?

I’m not digging the new format. I feel like it is harder to find threads that I have been following.

And what is with posting gifs now? I did it as I always do, it shows the gif in my message but then it disappears when I post.

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This has nothing to do with a challenge. The point is gong over your head.

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Oops I accidently deleted my post…lol
Not that I care but my user name is wrong, and how do I change the background colour?

I do not know about changing your username – I think that might be a setting we need to turn back on in our platform.

Background color: upper right hand corner, click on your user icon (yours is probably a D). Click on the Profile icon (a person). Then go to Preferences. And then click on Interface.

I chose the Dark theme. It’s black background, white text. And I think it looks much cleaner.

Ooo la la!! Love it!

Dan can you please change my user name

I hate change. But in my experience when a website changes formats I usually get used to it fairly quickly and forget about the old format.

It is a challenge to adapt to new experiences. I felt disoriented until I saw the list of threads displayed with the most recent posts at the top and older posts descending downward. Ah— I know where I am! The settings seem to default to “tags” rather than “without tags.” That is different than before (I think) & might cause confusion. Whatever. Once that’s changed, it’s like the old site but better.

I think change is exciting and fun. I’m certain that RheisslerSoandSo and others put their brains together to deliver a good experience for us. We can explore what they made. It’s discovery & fun! It’s like a game!

Unfortunately/ fortunately, I have a job so I have to go do my real job now. I get to go do my job. Thank goodness for it. Pays my bills!

Ciao, whiner


So, the beauty of Discourse, I suppose, is that for a lot of things – you, the user, get to determine how you want content to be organized (outside of Categories, obviously).

For example: I changed my settings so that when I hit the forum homepage, it defaults to showing me categories – just like the old site. Then changed the sort order within each category to be off of latest reply. Voila!

We do have some stuff to iron out – like, I’m missing a few things in my toolkit at the moment, that we should want to see. And I am noticing we’re missing about 48 hours worth of content and I’m not entirely sure how we will reconcile that import with all the content we’ve since generated here on the new platform. (That’s just the forum, we have some tweaks for the front end of the site to come to.)

But–it is progress. One day at a time.

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