Vote here on the new forum format

Thanks for posting this, I’m sure they appreciate it. I think it’s important to point out that this site remains very active. I’ve been around a discussion forum that was dying from inactivity and it didn’t look anything like this. There might be only 1 or 2 threads with activity that day. Look at the first page of the LR and it’s full of activity.

The tri forum looks like it’s still very active.

I’m optimistic.

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Not sure if you saw my messages but rrheisler was able to fix me up pretty quick and get my normal user “unblocked”. Maybe shoot him a DM or reply to one of his messages here.

Don’t give up!

I enjoy your back and forths with Tyler!! :slight_smile:

Replying to check my username and if I can post a pic.

Yup. New forum gets a. :+1:

I migrated from the beloved TNO forum to ST and first thought that it was clunky and archaic. In time I learned to embrace all of its quirks and I’m sure this new format will be no different if you give it a chance.

((((((((((healing vibes)))))))))

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Yeah I agree. Change is hard. I work in the IT industry so see this stuff all the time. Having said that change is hard for me as well!

And here is an embarrassing admission, when I first used this site back in 05 I didn’t know there was a “back to forum” button!! I would just use the back button to get back to the main page. Some of those monster threads killed me in getting back to the main page! Ha. Took me months to realize the easier way!

I know there used to be a thread for “embarrassing admissions” but I won’t bother to try and find it in this new forum! :wink:

Kudos on the cool test pic. I’m guessing you fly that.

Is there a way to automatically expand all posts in a thread?

It’s incredibly annoying to see e.g. “1 Reply”, and have to click on it without knowing who the poster is or how long the replay is. I’m on laptop/Firefox.


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Thank you, yes it’s a plane I built and fly, it’s not RC but flies on 61 foot braided steel lines.


Too much white space. Seems no way of easily moving from beginning of thread to end without scrolling (ie. No pages). Seems I have to click ‘replies’ under certain posts to see what has been said, as opposed to seeing it sequentially in old forum. Too much info (eg. Avatars, times, users, links, etc)
The old format was not amazing, mostly due to the quote function and how threading was treated and viewed. However, I’m stil on multiple other forums and understand the format is slowly dying but this has taken usability the wrong direction. Frankly, it’s painful to view. I know a lot of work is going into this by very smart people but I’m going to tap out for a few weeks and then see if it’s usable - which it currently is not for me. Hope to see you all agiain.

mmmkay, I’m glad for you. Hope to see you again.

New forum is way better but what’s bad is that all search engine links like Google don’t work anymore. Hope this gets re-indexed again properly so that it works fine again

The forum is crap now. It’s easier to just not bother unless I have to reply to someone.

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So it appears that if I just keep scrolling I’ll see those hidden posts anyway. If I click the “1 Reply” I just end up seeing the same post twice. Bizarre.

I’ve been using internet forums since the Usenet days, and this is positively the most user-unfriendly platform I’ve ever experienced.

Yeah, all the posts appear sequentially. The “1 Reply” thing seems to just give you the option to directly see replies to a specific post as opposed to scrolling down to try to find them. It’s not entirely clear what triggers that “1 Reply” thing, since many posts are replies to the previous post but don’t necessarily cause that to pop up.

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I can’t tell the difference.

Seems no way of easily moving from beginning of thread to end without scrolling (ie. No pages)

Slider widget. Just click/tap the bottom or drag to the bottom. It has a current/total fraction to show where you are. For me this is easier than the old way. Also it “remembers” where you left off so jumps to the last post you read so you can pick up where you left off with. Trying to find where you left off with the old system was a biatch.

For me it’s not just about the most recent post or where I last left off. It’s about organizing if I want to go back and read long threads. Page breaks is a far more efficient way of organizing/rereading lots of content compared to an infinite scroll.

Also post numbers are easier to reference vs a timestamp.

Switch to Dark Mode? /p

At first I thought this was something temporary while the forum was being updated. But this is it right?

I think this is the fourth version of ST Forum, and this is by far the worst.