Vote here on the new forum format

At Quick Look, I like the new format. I can like a post without having to reply and I can have a list of the new lists since the last time I was on.

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You mean thatā€™s not you and kitty? I like it. I think Iā€™ll add a profile image of some sort as the user image seems to be more prominent.

I want the option to dislike a post.


At first glance, Iā€™m not a fan.

Maybe Iā€™ll get used to it. It feels more clunky and then me learning how to drive standard at the tender age of 16. It certainly doesnā€™t feel intuitive to use.


Itā€™s me, I love my cat. Heā€™s been dead for over 10 years, and Iā€™ve been a Slowtwitch member for 20. The point is this picture just miraculously showed up. Not one of the actual four pictures I had posted under my name on Slowtwitch. I never tried to hide myself using my real name and first letter of my last name and posting a hand full of pictures through my triathlon days It was gleaned somehow from FB or my computer archive. That is disturbing to me. It was done without my permission or choice of what I chose or if I didnā€™t want a picture at all. Looks like other people just have a colored dot and letter.

This new forum software looks and feels absolutely disgusting. Notifications are super annoying. Will stop reading Slowtwitch and come back to look after half a year, maybe it will be made better.

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Iā€™m not sure what problem they were trying to fix but I darn hope this eye-sore of a forum format solved it. My desire to read posts/ participate has dropped a few notches.


Sorry to be a downer, but this flow (or lack thereof) does not work for me, at all. It reminds me of other forum formats that annoy me and keep me away. Iā€™ve been here 20 years but I canā€™t see sticking around if the user experience is going to be so disorganized and complicated. Itā€™s like we went from Mac OS to DOS.


You can change your photo. Click on your name and then itā€™s one of the icons under that.


My two cents is similar. And I know the owners and Mods donā€™t really care what I think. Whatā€™s done is done. But, Iā€™ll voice anyway.

I donā€™t really participate in forums elsewhere. What I liked is the overwhelming uniqueness of this place. Main forum, and here. The personalities, the neighborhood feel, and then wide range of safe/open/highly interesting discussions. The personal investment that many regulars take. There are real relationships. And the occasional bickering is taken with good natured grain of salt most always.

Maybe we will all adjust. Likely. But in meantime, it feels clunky, and has morphed into an effort to be more homogenous with other forums. In my opinion, uniqueness and homegrown has been sacrificed for conformity and mass production.

I am sure the argument is adapt or die. But it seemed to be thriving well enough.


Yesterday I thought this was a temporary set up while the forum was upgrading. Today I see that itā€™s still the same, yuk!

We donā€™t need the left side column taking up 1/4th of the page. Also, now we donā€™t see who started the thread or who replied.

To me, this is a big downgrade, and it kind of has the look of Are we going back 30 years?


Just to pile on.

So far the new format is a thumbs down (Iā€™d post the gif from Gladiator but cannot figure out how to).

This is the only forum I really participate in. I am sure the backend is far more exciting and likely better than the old software, but the front end leaves a shit ton to be desired.

I know we LR denizens are not the key demographic for Slowtwitch since quite a few of us no longer participate in those other forum things. I do appreciate our Slowtwitch overlords givings us a pasture in which to graze. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll get used to the new format in short order.


FYI: the menu button in the far upper left, near the ST logo? That collapses the left hand nav.

Weā€™ll put together some documentation on these kinds of things. The beauty of Discourse is that you can own how it looks. The hard part of Discourse is that, well, each user can select how it looks.


Where do we vote?? I donā€™t see a poll at this end?

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Thereā€™s no poll. I think this was just a ā€œplease put your thoughts hereā€ thread started in the midst of the swapper.

Regardless ā€“ thereā€™s no going back. Itā€™s a matter of making the most of our new home. (And finishing bringing the boxes of stuff over from Gossamer).

@rrheisler csn you comment on whether page number options and individual post numbers (without the scrolling bar) will be available?


No on page numbers. Itā€™s infinite scroll.

The time stamp on the right of someoneā€™s post is the ā€œpost numberā€ if you want a direct link to it.

Seems like a reasonable request.

mega dislike

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I first read that as ā€œinfinite trollā€ :slight_smile:

(and using this to try out a quote / reply / emoji functionā€¦)