Trump Watch

And yet you’re worse than he is in bringing me up all the time.

I haven’t said squat for weeks. You’ve tried to bait me into it political discussions and I haven’t taken your bait. And yet here you are still focused on trying to be against somebody/anybody.

You’ve got your preferred candidates. You’ve got all your friends here who agree with you. You don’t have to go looking for confrontation

Again, it’s not my fault you feel dirty and guilty that you have to lie about what you want (and what your candidate believes) just to get your preferred candidate elected. You can stop projecting that on the other side anytime. We already know what you and yours are prepared to do and say in order to “win”. Leave me out of it and I’ll do the same

Another holier than thou that I haven’t said a word to or about in weeks that can’t stand me so much she just can’t help but bring me up


Like you, oldtrigirl has no interest in rational discussion. The difference is that account is likely a Russian bot. You, not so much.

When you start to engage in rational conversation on topics, people will start to take you more seriously.

Tyler is the Tyreek Hill of the LR and the mean lefties here are the bad cops.

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Except Tyreek already admitted he could have handled his part better. Self-awareness - he has some.

Trump spreading more lies, accusing Harris of knowing the questions in advance (as if they weren’t entirely predictable), of cheating by wearing an earpiece to receive answers, and reverts to mispronouncing her name. Seems like a lot of effort to discredit her performance when he already claimed victory.

he’s making his own team nervous with the embrace of Laura Loonytoons, who feeds him what he wants to hear

Nothing to see here, just a former and wannabe President traveling the country including the 9/11 memorial service with a “proud Islamaphobe,” 9/11 Truther, conspiracy spreader who refers to professional black women as “Shaniquas.”

I do look forward to the day when these vermin are forced back into their dark corners. They’ve become way too comfortable in the spotlight for my tastes.


It’s another excellent example of how easy he is to manipulate. Feed nonsense into his ear whilst flattering him, and bingo - you have him both wrapped around your finger and acting as your megaphone.

I am willing to bet she is the reason he was blathering on about Harris having had hidden radios in her earrings during the debates.

How anyone can think he is a no nonsense tough guy is completely bewildering.

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he’s no Stannis Baratheon, but the dynamic is not far off


The company he keeps. Flies around with. Blows kisses from the stage to. Echoes on the debate stage.

Your guy, MAGA.

Can we call them deplorables yet?


In any normal election environment, this would be fatally toxic.

Loomer has had a slanging match on X apparently with MTG, in which MTG is cast as the white knight calling out Loomer as a nasty racist.

I’ve just read that back to myself and it still seems surreal. It comes to something when you have the Jewish Space Laser conspiracy theorist squabbling with the proud Islamaphobe over who is the bigger bigot.

And Loomer decided to respond to Lindsey Graham’s disapproval of her proximity to Trump by calling him out on X as gay (which, she was kind enough to observe, was absolutely fine). LG obviously is gay, and there is, indeed nothing wrong about that, but he has been careful over the years to curate an image that steps around that whole aspect of his life. Her putting the boot in so publicly to out someone who ought to be on the same side as her is crazyland stuff.


In any normal election.

With Trump, it’s a drop in the ocean. The more drops you add, the less significant the subsequent drops become. I’m almost certain Trump could say those things from the podium and his poll numbers wouldn’t change. The only thing that seems to move the needle one way or another is his opponent.

Loomer is vile, but I like her policies so I’ll vote for her.

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And Kamala eats cats so there really is only one choice.

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so that’s why she ISN’T a childless cat lady, just childless…you sure she doesn’t eat babies too? You know those dems and their post partum executions… I guess there really is only one choice! (pink)

Drudge Report headlines implying he is sleeping with her. Others think it actually is Don Jr and Dad is jealous.

me oh my

cue warpath by one or both of the wives. the ratings need that extra drama.

I don’t think Melania cares and I think Kimberly Guilfoyle would scratch Loomer’s eyes out if that were true about Don Junior. But if it is, he does have a type.

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