Trump Watch

When trump inevitably says “I’ve heard my signature is the most Presidential. A lot of people are saying it.”, I am coming straight back to you to complain.


holy hell if a libtard did that…


The double standard is breathtaking.

Imagine Obama or Biden autographing a flag. The roof would blow off Fox News HQ.


Just becasue AOC has some street skillz doesn’t in any way qualify her ideology and Harris’s. Bernie, AOC Harris and the rest of the progressives aren’t necessarily in the same boat but they are on the same river heading towards ruin.

“I was stunned when he was chosen as the vice presidential pick,” Minnesota Private Business Council President Jim Schultz said Thursday.

“And the fact that he could be in the Oval Office embracing the kind of hard-left policies that he’s embraced here in Minnesota,” he continued, “I think it’s really disturbing to consider what he might be like in the White House.”

Schultz gave scathing testimony before the Senate on Capitol Hill Wednesday [about Gov. Walz’s record] on crime, the handling of violent protests and riots that broke out across Minneapolis and St. Paul.

LOL. posts one unhinged rant after another. supports a candidate who nobody voted for because the party told him to. Calls other posters drones in service of their monarch.


Bzzzzzz bzzz bzzzzzzzz

case rested your honor

As if you care about or respect the court. Buzz off drone.

Trump praised Walz’s handling of the protests

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Here is the professional troll formula.

  1. Respond to the topic. In this case, the response reveals the fraud
    “Street skillz” is not the vocabulary of a older female triathlete/ accountant. It is the vocabulary of a bot or foreign national using inappropriate vocabulary that was learned in some other type of forum or social media.
  2. Post something else irrelevant, but apparently defamatory, about the “enemy.”

Stop responding to the drone.

Stay focus Scott. You’re zig zagging all over the road from Harris to Bernie to AOC to Tim.

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I said same a day ago in another thread, Do NOT Feed the Trolls!

Thanks for the reminder.

It seems like it should have been banned already.

You read about this stuff.

One would hope that the real human beings that support Trump would be the ones to push this poster out.

I wouldn’t want people confusing my post’s for random AI bullsh#t.

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Oh no, nothing to do with ideology… I was just pointing out that people like AOC and Wallz who’ve spent significant parts of their lives as regular people are more in touch with the daily concerns of little people…unlike lifelong.elites like Trump, and to a lesser extent Harris.

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“She” just got added to a very short list, which cleans up my LR experience immensely.

I would hope the Mods can figure out that “she” is not a real account and ban it.

Not sure what Tyler’s excuse is though.

Same thing, different program. Beep boop

Of course none of us care as much as you and Blep

You and Blep have made clear you will vote for a moldy ham sandwich (well not Blep he will just talk about it). And to prove it you are now supporting a moldy ham sandwich and pretending she stands for things she doesn’t simply because you are prepared to do anything to “win”.

All while whining like a bitter little bitch about everybody who doesn’t agree with you

If I were selling out the principles I so smugly accuse others of in a losing cause like you are I’d be bitter and frustrated too. If my party screwed the pooch this badly I’d be bitter and frustrated too.

Enjoy your unhappiness and get used to it drone boy

How do you reconcile that with Trump calling Walz to congratulate him on his handling of the riots at the time?