Trump Watch

The interesting thing to me is how these truly loathsome women 1) cannot get enough of him and 2) cannot stand each other.

It’s funny how you don’t see that dynamic around anyone else in politics. Just him.

Silvio Berlusconi?

it’s all transactional

Melania might want nothing to do with that bloated carcass but she won’t stand for being dissed. It’s the one tiny thing i like about her.

I’m not saying, but…

“one person of extraordinary genius”

What a twat.

Does anyone here still support this dipshit? You could take the 200th worst thing he’s said and it would be enough to have killed any other politician’s career, but because the orange wonder runs a cult he keeps getting away with it. I never would have thought that such an obvious charlatan would be able to (at least partially) take over the minds of so many Americans to get them to support such an obvious threat to our country.

I live in suburban Philly. Five houses popped up with signs in the last week. Way more than I recall in the last two elections. I think some people want lower taxes no, regardless of the long term impact.

Did a 62mi charity ride through wealthy Westchester County (NY) and Greenwich (CT). Three houses with Harris/Walz yard signs, one house with three Trump/Vance yard signs, and one bike with a top tube pack with a Harris/Walz bumper sticker.

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Is this Milo Yiannopolis?

Loomer doesn’t strike me as the type to go quietly.

Conservative columnist George Will endorses Harris.


This election pits someone whose current persona is obviously synthetic against someone whose dishonesty in the service of his egotism is scarily authentic. Now, however, traditional conservatives can envision the least unpalatable November outcome. They have an unenthralled understanding of government’s proper scope and actual competence. So, their preferred outcome would be the election of Harris, and of a Republican Senate to regularly remind her that most Americans disagree with most of what she believes.

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How you guys, specifically sphere and blep, haven’t blocked Tyler and oldtrigal yet is beyond me.

They contribute literally nothing of substance here, only insults, they never engage in any meaningful discussion.

They’re like pop up ads. Your user experience will be greatly enhanced by blocking them.

For someone who won the debate by a landslide, some say by 90%, he sure is doing a lot of bitching & whining.

A faucet? What the actual F?

People will vote for this?

is he talking about NAWAPA?

"a proposed water management scheme conceived in the 1950s by the US Army Corps of Engineers. The planners envisioned diverting water from some rivers in Alaska south through Canada via the Rocky Mountain Trench and would involve 369 separate construction projects.

Implementation of NAWAPA has not been seriously considered since the 1970s, due to the array of environmental, economic and diplomatic issues raised by the proposal.[1][2] Western historian William deBuys wrote that “NAWAPA died a victim of its own grandiosity.”[2]"

so if this is the ‘giant faucet’

  1. it does not exist
  2. is unfeasible to execute
  3. is pretty much a 'big beautiful waterfall" that will never happen, but the stooges will buy it
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Someone from team trump needs to tell him he needs to stop flapping his arms like a seal whenever he talks.

one more thing – if NAWAPA is what he’s talking about, some poor policy aide had to explain it to him first.

"See, it’s kind of like this g i g a n t ic faucet . . . "

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I’m willing to accept that this isn’t primarily a MAGA woman thing but I’m gonna need evidence.

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Trump seems to have lost his political instincts at least temporarily. If he focused on immigration issues and economic ones and dropped the wild conspiracy stuff he likely would have more votes?

Immigration. There are real problems in Springfield, Ohio related to a large number of immigrants displacing the local workforce because they are an inexpensive source of labor. As well as driving up the price of housing. Instead of talking about that Trump talks about people eating cats. If people want to eat geese they can come to my town we have a plague of them. I wish our homeless population would start eating them

The economy: Inflation is down but lots of people are still under much strain from all the accumulated price increases of the last 3-4 years. All Trump has to do is to keep asking the question of people, “Are you better off than 4 years ago” Instead more crazy stuff.

One thing about Trump is he keeps trying stuff until he finds something that sticks.