Trump Watch

Here’s a fun quote.

“Every day she is flooding our country with billions and billions of illegal aliens. She wants to make them citizens, she wants to have them vote,” Trump said. “Which will destroy the voting powers of Christian conservatives forever.”

Billions and billions of illegal aliens PER DAY!!!

Holy fuck, that’s a lot of people. Harris is out of control.

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so the US population is now over 1 billion, wow! :wink:

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Depends when this started happening. I mean if it was over a week ago she’s almost let in the entire population of earth.

Trump is the only person who can stop this.

What will she do in a few days when she runs out of people to let in?

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More importantly, where are we getting the trillions of household pets it must be taking to keep all those immigrants fed?

I have no idea. What we can Shirley both agree on is that this situation is untenable.

Harris needs to be stopped.

It amazes me how tyler and trigirl are smarter than these Generals who have worked with the orange one. As slowguy mentioned, it isn’t about Harris, it is about anyone but trump. At this point if you are still supporting this guy I’m afraid there is no hope for you.

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They don’t think they’re smarter than anyone else with their schtick. At least, I would hope they don’t think that posting only to deflect valid criticisms make them smart. They’re just worker drones doing the only work that’s left to do in service to their monarch.

“Absolute assurances” like the ones already given to him by the Republican elected officials whose jobs it was to know these things and who assured him he lost fair and square last election?

Look, billions of people are flooding over the border every fucking day.

You need to close the border, shut down the government, and starting listening to Trump. He and he alone can save America.

His plan is coming in two weeks.

There was a great clip from Real Time when Bill Maher confronted Rep Donalds with Trump’s absurd exaggerations about immigrant numbers and crime. His response was “He just speaks to what people are feeling.”

Huh. I wonder why they’re feeling that?

Feed people lies constantly so they believe the lies, reinforce those lies, then have your minions defend the lying by saying well, people believe those lies so he’s just speaking to their concerns.


Whoa, whoa, whoa… are you suggesting that BILLIONS of ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS are not crossing the border every day?

You fucking Libtards need to pull your heads out of your asses.

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If only there were a president who established a Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity to investigate the millions of illegal immigrants who voted in 2016. There are many instances of Trump hiring companies to investigate his idiotic claims and they then find nothing. He knows he can ignore the results and just keep repeating the same BS without any consequence.

Vance now admits that the cat thing might not be true, but urges people to keep posting cat memes. I think he is still bitter about being outed as a sofasexual.


@slowguy don’t tell me twitter doesn’t add value to your life.

I post because I appreciate you.

And trump grabbed them all and said “Come with me whether you want to or not. I will go first, as always”

Nothing unusual here, just Trump desecrating a flag on September 11.

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To be fair to Trump he does have a great presidential signature. Reagan had a good one too. Both Bush guys had horrible sigs.

Meanwhile AOC helps her staffer jump his car.

Not sure Trump would know how to open a hood, much know which cable goes where.

I think that I would pretend that I needed help too.

As to trump, he knows what a hood is. It is the place where those people that he doesn’t like live.

You and I have a different understanding of what a hood is…