Trump Watch


One of our friendly local conspiracy theorists - who’s convinced that our county council is putting up “illegals” in abandoned, boarded-up hospitals and schools in our area, and bussing them around in unmarked white vans to bathe naked in creeks - posted some nonsense today that featured a pic of a guy walking down the street carrying what looks like a dead goose, and a story about some lady coming home from work to find her Haitian neighbors with her cat strung up from a tree to butcher it.

She’s wondering what the flashing light in the corner of her eye means.

You guys are so wrong about her…

I don’t need a new handle to check in, not comment on politics, and still watch you and Blep make fools out of yourselves.

And of course, even though everyone and their brother has a phone with a camera, not one picture of a Haitian stringing up cats has appeared in the internet.

The DEEP STATE must be blocking those pics.

Jim Jordan’s facebook posted that Haitians are overrunning Springfield, OH, overburdening the infrastructure, and killing/eating ducks out of local parks.

The Springfield government is saying that legal Haitian immigrants (many/most came legally under Temporary Protected Status) have come in to take many blue collar jobs that were going unfilled and have revitalized the local economy.

I was in Springfiled on both 9/1/2024 and 9/3/2024, somehow I survived the ordeal.

You wouldn’t be saying that if you were a duck.

You would be saying quack quack.

And yet we aren’t the ones supporting a convicted sex offender, tax cheat, charity donor stealing grifter. Not sure who the fool might be in this scenario.

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Imagine if Musk used his platform for good. Maybe in the next simulation.

All of them. All deplorables.

Just one photo of a Haitian eating someone’s pet. That’s all I need. Just one.

Phones fucking everywhere. Yet no pics.

Yeah, it’s totally happening.

I always thought that eating pets was pretty common is rural America.






I am gonna miss all these alternate reality morons when they finally curl up and die.

Hey Leon…


Shirley, you noticed the quote had Tucker in it right? and oh but Tucker was never spreading disinformation from a Russian supermarket, or any other Russian disinformation. eyes wide open? Tucker a trusted source?

I get 5 different views of the guy stealing the tow truck this weekend by monday morning yet no pictures of this?

you seem quite confident in the chances of the candidate(s) you are supporting. I can’t seem to get through a thread around here without getting bogged down in you and Blep singing the praises of your preferred candidate…

Hard to believe with such a strong ticket you need worry about TFG.

I don’t believe I mentioned Harris at all in my post. What I expressed was my disbelief that anyone with a brain could vote for a convicted sex offender, tax cheat, adulterer, charity scaming grifter.

This is why none of the debate stuff, the ads, the articles about whether Harris is really awesome or is just another politician lying to you,…none of it makes any real difference. The election is about whether you want Donald Trump to be President again or not. It doesn’t really matter who is on the other side of the ballot, so long as they’re within a standard deviation of normal. People can pick apart and try to get into specific stances or policies or flip-flopping or whatever with Harris and Walz. Voters are still really going to the polls to choose between Donald Trump and whoever else is on the ballot.

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Is this going to mean anything??? Trump a ‘danger to US security’, say generals ahead of Harris debate

Retired military generals have described [Donald Trump]
(Donald Trump - The Telegraph) as a “danger” to America’s security as they endorsed Kamala Harris.

On the eve of a critical debate between Ms Harris and her Republican rival, 10 former top US military chiefs released a letter calling the vice-president the only candidate “who is fit to serve” in the country’s highest office.

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