Trump Watch

“Here we go again!” is right!

I think he’s over-reacting from his recent admission in an interview that he lost the election, so he’s going through his greatest hits again to rebuild credibility.

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His comments seem to imply that he does, in fact, rape women. But she isn’t the one he chose to rape.

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elegant first sentence, can’t possibly be his.

he doesn’t mention who this “expert” is. If it’s Hans von Sapovsky he’s been pretty thoroughly debunked.

You should watch the video. He announces several sentences before saying it that he’s about to confess some bullshit, then watch Habba’s eyes dart to the guy opposite stage lke, fucking hell here we go again.

Speaking of RFK Jr, this takes projection to a whole new level.


I was wondering what the pet thing was about. Apparently it’s now “trending” that Haitian immigrants are hanging butchered pet cats from trees, and other such things.

This is straight-up “Salem witch trial” hysteria with likely some racism thrown in.

He’s the only person in the video.

Apparently someone else saw it as well.

She’s thinking. Alright! After defending him for that comment, I’ll be able to buy that beach house that I’ve been wanting.

I bet our friendly neighborhood MAGA is perfectly fine with these comments.

Both Vance and trump appear to have lost all grasp of reality when they think illegal aliens are eating cats.

They have confused a TV show with reality!

russia russia russia. when will the Left stop this nonsense. And let me guess there will be 100 experts that state for the record that its russian disinformation this time. lol

I think the last time skullduggery was used in a sentence might have been in the late 1800’s.

Yeah, it is another lie. Some crazy lady ate her neighbors cat. The crazy lady is American, not Haitian, and is not an immigrant. She has been arrested. Of course these facts do not stop the right wing echo chamber from amplifying the lie.

“The Left”? You appear to be confused. It was MAGA trolls who were paid by Russia to spread misinformation.

Once they get through the forum upgrade maybe the powers that be can clean up this latest wave of new member/old member/spam/bot/bullshit.

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Tyler’s new handle.

Agree either it is Tyler’s new handle or it is tyler’s mom. Crazy begets crazy.

VegasJen is my bet.

Who was the other forum member who pointed her over here? That person deserves a stern talking to.

This is a misdirect, most likely a formerly banned member.