Trump Watch

so I’m not posting at all in this thread about the subject. You come along and insert my name in order to make yourself feel better, And when I object your response is “when” I post something it won’t be rational and therefore you need to include me in on this?

Thank God you are not an anonymous persona here on this site. Thank God you post so many legitimate and rational things that people here can stand up and cheer like Trump body counts, Russia collusion, Hunter’s laptop (51 important people said…). This way when you conclude someone agrees with a Russian bot posting here, guys like Sphere don’t need to interrupt their dozens of run on posts ranting about Trump in this thread to call you out for having a persona.

The lack of self awareness amongst this oh so right and oh so smug group is stunning.

Remember when Taylor Swift told people to vote, and to do their research? trump is just making it easier for those new voters to do their research.

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I think many people would have preferred Biden make the decision to not run for reelection this time last year so we could have had a normal nomination process for the Dems. I don’t have confidence that a normal process would have generated the best candidate for President, but at least the people would have had a say. All that being said, I wouldn’t call Harris unqualified.

Trump is disqualified in my opinion for leading a coup.

And he said today that he is voting for trump.

So does he care about this rhetoric?

Interesting point of view from Bryan Tyler Cohen. In short, he says that trump’s statement is a distraction from a bad week that he’s been having.

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So stop taking the bait.

Just like people are saying this or that person needs blocked, you can also just not respond. Every time you jump in to comment when your name is invoked encourages it to keep happening.

I warned you that talking just to Kay and Chappy would not bring you joy.

I suppose if it causes you so much angst to be here, you could leave. But you like to play the game too much so you won’t.

“What bothers me the most was the selection process for the new Democratic nominee. Biden pulled out late in the game, she was rushed in, and we’ve had limited time to see her potential. I can’t say she’s really done anything as VP that stood out to me, but I know VP is just a passenger seat role. I just had higher expectations, and the pickings seem slim these days. Blows my mind that Trump even got the nomination himself after everything.”

Thanks for explaining your reasoning heree.

My view is, she landed on Biden’s ticket because she was qualified, was known and vetted, and added positive attributes that Biden alone did not. He certainly wasn’t in jeopardy of losing California without her, right?

We voted for her in 2020. Her and Biden. We did so because we trusted she was capable of taking over in the event that our elderly President could no longer do the job. So when it became apparent that he no longer could, the Vice President was the obvious successor. And remember this all happened before the DNC where it could have been contested, and wasn’t. The party and the voters rallied behind her in the closest thing to unanimity we could hope to see.

Biden dropping out was the right decision. Harris taking his place as his VP was the right decision. Nominating her at the convention was the right decision. It’s hard for me to make a case for any other candidate, and that’s setting aside how she showed the world how small he is in the debate.

I appreciate you explaining your position, but I think it’s hollow criticism.

It’s a fair point you make. If you asked me who else, I’d be shrugging my shoulders.

You must have not paying attention to Twitter back in the Reagan era.

Or Ike


Fascinating video. I was not familiar with this guy. Based on his take, the “distraction” that Trump is creating is that, with that tweet, he is asking his followers to commit violence on Taylor Swift.

It’s really not hollow criticism. The OP said that Harris was not “actually qualified” to be President, yet the OP’s justification for that view was that the process for selecting the Democratic nominee was not to his liking. According to that, nobody that the Democratic party could have picked after Biden withdrew would have been “actually qualified.”

“Yeah, Trump is not qualified but neither is Harris”
“Why not?”
“Well, um…”

This is the standard reply. Both sides.

Yup, both sides sent a mob to the Capitol to stop the peaceful transfer of power.

Harris is totally the same as the 78 year old raving about hating Taylor Swift.

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The mob at the Capitol was Pelosi’s fault. Trump just made a simple speech.
Please keep up.

Speaking of blocking, can someone tell me how to reblock our self-professed most self- aware member? He’s the only current poster who I would like to block. I’ve never engaged with him, but I have found his previous frenetic postings (I used to read threads and he’d have 4 or 5 posts in a row, each one name-calling or otherwise personally attacking various members, but after he got a stern warning he has slowed down with the rapid-fire postings) as being meant to agitate and not meant to engage. I don’t engage with bad-faith posters. I try to not block anyone because I like to read diverse views. But if someone truly seems to engage others in a generally spiteful and bad-faith way I’d simply prefer to use the block function. I’m not naming names. If this description doesn’t apply to you then I’m probably not talking about you. I’m still having troubles logging in and I haven’t yet found the way to block/ignore posters.

Click the avatar (for you M) in the top right, click the little person thingy bottom right, click preferences, click users. click +Add, find the username and select timeframe

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Thanks, JPO!

Thanks, I was struggling to find it in this strange new world.

I only see the option to ignore until later doday. Am I missing something?

It’s a drop down. The bottom is forever.