Trump Watch

Laura Loomer is 31 years old.


Slightly incorrect. NPR had Dewine on for about 5min the other morning and while yes immigration always puts a strain on resources he was saying he felt the state and the town were working pretty well together and that the issues were overblown. The republican governor.

His interview was completely adult and thoughtful. No fear tactics on immigration at all on display in the interview.

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All the versions on the right hand side have a real Kardashian vibe.

They all need to fire their plastic surgeon.

I agree. There is plenty of valid criticism to go after the Dems with. But he is off in la La land talking about nonsense.

We have the same issue in Canada. Pollievre keeps banging on about the carbon tax. Like dude, that is the absolute least of Canada’s worries right now and he’s making it the top of his agenda like that alone will turn the country around.

I don’t get it. We have politicians applying for the job of running these countries and the last thing they will talk about is actually running these countries.

Trump at a rally in Nevada: “Latin music superstar Nicky Jam. Do you know Nicky? She’s hot. Where is Nicky?"

Nicky Jam is a man.

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Looks like poor Nicky fell victim to Kamala’s forced transgender surgery program that President Trump has been trying to warn people about.

here’s Nicky, questioning his life choices


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Question is, did it happen in illegal immigrant jail or during recess in public school?

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I just can’t believe we are in another election that feels like both sides were scrapped off the bottom of the floor. Both candidates are really the best we could do for their respected parties? It’s finally time to break the two party cycle and elect an outside third party, because neither of these people are it for America. Hearing everyone talk about voting for the lesser of two evils instead of voting for someone actually qualified just makes me cringe. Might as well just be President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho. Buckle up America because we’re all losing either way.

Not a big Harris fan, but don’t feel this is really a both sides thing. I’d like to see the Reps do what the Dems did, and recognize and correct a mistake.

Harris seems to have decent qualifications.

Nothing against third party candidates, but they’re fairly unrealistic given current U.S. election law. They make the most sense at the local level.

Back to the thread. Trump recently referred to Harris as Comrade Howard. Any guesses? A reference to Howard University?


Every time l hear that phrase, l can’t help hearing these now infamous words:

" … you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides."

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Prior to 2016, any candidate who did anything at any time that Trump does multiple times a day would have been drummed out of politics by either party. At any time in the past, Harris would have been considered a reasonable, normal candidate for President.

Tell us what Harris, a district attorney, a state AG, a Senator, and a VP, has done or not done for you to believe she is not “actually qualified.”

What on Earth does he think this will accomplish?

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I’ll gladly share my opinion on the matter. What bothers me the most was the selection process for the new Democratic nominee. Biden pulled out late in the game, she was rushed in, and we’ve had limited time to see her potential. I can’t say she’s really done anything as VP that stood out to me, but I know VP is just a passenger seat role. I just had higher expectations, and the pickings seem slim these days. Blows my mind that Trump even got the nomination himself after everything.

She’s probably going to win though. If she wins I hope she establishes a strong cabinet that advises her well. I think she has the potential to present herself in a similar positive public fashion as Obama. This is a real shit time for anyone to take the position, and I’m more than willing to admit I can be wrong.

My views mostly align with Peter Sonski of the American party currently. Usually I end up more on the libertarian side, so it was interesting to see this shift. Obviously slim chance he gets elected but I vote by my views, and I’m not ashamed to vote for someone who might not have a chance. My area tends to vote heavy republican so my little voice gets drowned out anyway, but that still won’t influence how I vote.

If anyone really wants to see where they fall, there’s a great website called where you can take a survey on topics and weight them based on importance to see what statements and actions candidates have made to see who you may align most with. I highly encourage checking out the “other stances” options and expanding all the categories to do a deep dive. It will take over an hour to complete if you do every option, but you can compare your stances with all the candidates. Kamala Harris and I agree on 52% of the topics, and there’s (4) people I agree with more.

If them is the entire citizenry who will select him on their ballot, then, No. This new person who has his ear and posts that shit, sure she is most decidedly looking to make a name and buck, and that is deplorable action.

Posted this morning at 7:44am:

Taylor Swift in 2019:

Can confirm, he is not okay.

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That tweet made me burst out in laughter. What an absolute joke. How can anyone call this fool a leader is beyond me!

So presidential. So honourable.

We are truly living in an Idiocracy when the party that is supposed to attract the rugged individualist, the tough, no nonsense hard working man, the military etc is lead by such a total pussy.


I’m not sure when the last time was that anyone really cared if a 78 year-old liked a pop singer.