Trump Watch

My drop down box was empty except for later today. I clicked on it and got nothing.

(iPad using chrome)

Seems to be the same on an iphone - what ought to be a dropdown doesn’t drop down.

The admins know that you don’t really want to do it, think of it as just a timeout for anyone you want to block

damn. I only tried on desktop.

No, when you do that they get all butthurt and feel forced to vote for Trump, because how could they ever align with lefties who spew such hate?

I don’t buy everything he says, and most of his video titles have a big click-bait feel to them - but he’s pretty good. He often teams up with Glen Kirschner who is a former federal prosecutor to discuss trump’s legal issues - those are definitely worth watching.

We could debate the definition of deplorable but I have a hard time not putting supporters of deplorables in the deplorable category.

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See now I won’t go that far because, by a whole bunch of other metrics one can find very solid, civic, respectful citizens and the most friendly of neighbors among the sum that support Trump. There is a decidedly deplorable racist bigot faction sure, but there are far more ignorant fan boys or folks who know only what FOX News tells them or what their parents indoctrinated into them, who may act deplorably in support of Trump, but in and of themselves are not deplorable. Propaganda works, but not to make all who buy into it deplorable.

I will concede that given enough time and enough propaganda the slope between becomes ever more steep can lead us into having a hard time debating what it takes to qualify for deplorable status or being among the whatever or however we define what is not a deplorable. And the man, who simply wants our adulation, surely does not make it easy on us to see the good in each other as opposed to the deplorable in us.

Even though it looks like only one option, put your finger on “later today” and scroll up and other options will appear.

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I have said similar things before. Some of my neighbors and close friends are trump supporters. They are honest, hard-working people who help others, teach their kids to be good citizens, and would never think to take money from the less fortunate. But for some reason they accept poor behavior from trump and adore/like him.

Having said that, in the prior two elections most of them flew trump flags and some of them participated in his boat parades. All of the flags and signs disappeared after Jan6 and I haven’t seen anything since.

[quote=“ChrisMannino, post:216, topic:1111575, full:true”]
What bothers me the most was the selection process for the new Democratic nominee. [/quote]

What was the selection process for the Libertarian candidate?

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OK, that’s funny

Hey even that guy with the boot on his head would be top 2 most qualified in a general election.


There are more Trump signs in my neighborhood than ever before. Suburban Philly (Montgomery County). I don’t get it. I guess they like his tax policy. One of the house’s daughter used to watch our kids after school. She started a club after school to stop bullying because her brother was autistic and bullied. Yet they are supporting the captain bully.

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The opposite of my experience. I’ve seen far, far fewer trump signs this election year than any prior ones.

Even as I drive from El Paso to Lubbock a couple of times in the last 3 months only a handful of signs. Eastern New Mexico and that part of Texas has always been very, very pro-trump and in election years prior there would be hundreds.

Northern IL checking in. Generally middle class area in a blue state. There are 3 homes with signs - 2 have just the lawn signs (without JD), but one is full-on MAGA. Those bunting things above the garage that say “Trump was Right” and flags and crap. Sadly its directly across from the H.S. There are a couple of folks who had signs last time around but don’t now, for what that’s worth.

Trump on Crypto in a new interview:

Qu: Why is it so important for America to lead on crypto

Trump: It’s so important. It’s crypto. It’s AI. It’s so many other things. AI needs tremendous electricity capabilities beyond anything I ever heard.

Trump: Barron knows so much about this. Barron is a young guy. He’s got four wallets or something. I’m saying ‘explain this to me.’ He knows it so well. And Eric and Don. I have a lot of respect for them.

On being asked other questions he pivoted to AI needing electricity or China, and said “it’s sort of like a language…I have a beautiful granddaughter, Ivanka’s daughter Arabella. She speaks perfect Chinese. Their other two children speak perfect Chinese. From a nanny who was from China.”

Yeah - this is the guy we want in charge of our country…

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Barron Trump will be in charge of the Fed if Trump gets elected.