The MAGA mind

In some counties in Illionis more votes were counted than people living there when Kennedy and Nixon contested their election.

Can you provide some evidence for this claim? On the surface it seems rather far-fetched. Thanks.

Awesome. Polls. Ask 800 people a question and ascribe that to millions.


Dozens of polls by multiple groups questioning thousands of people have confirmed that the overwhelming majority of Republicans believe The Big Lie. The leader of the GOP promotes it endlessly in his Klan rallies. The MAGA media still spews it. It was a requirement for GOP candidates during the midterm primaries.

As for the Biden polls…thanks for proving my point about Whattaboutism.

the king of whataboutism has his point proven about Whattaboutism!!!

you can’t buy entertainment as good as this!!!

In some counties in Illionis more votes were counted than people living there when Kennedy and Nixon contested their election.

Can you provide some evidence for this claim? On the surface it seems rather far-fetched. Thanks.

I’m guessing he’s talking about this. Spockman is stating as known fact something that’s possible, but very much unproven. And that the Nixon and GOP failed to prove in court at the time.

Awesome. Polls. Ask 800 people a question and ascribe that to millions.


Dozens of polls by multiple groups questioning thousands of people have confirmed that the overwhelming majority of Republicans believe The Big Lie. The leader of the GOP promotes it endlessly in his Klan rallies. The MAGA media still spews it. It was a requirement for GOP candidates during the midterm primaries.

As for the Biden polls…thanks for proving my point about Whattaboutism.

Klan rallies. MAGA media. Whataboutism.

Tell me you’re a partisan hack who spews talking points without…oh, nevermind. I have no more use for this guy.

Sounds like Biden is undeniably a bad President. Maybe the second worst behind only Carter. Surely, you agree.

No way is Carter the worst. He unfairly got a bad rap for the botched Delta Force raid. If that had worked, he’d have been a hero in that instance. And didn’t get proper credit for defeating inflation - all the bad effects of the “tough love” fiscal and monetary policy happened in his term, and Reagan got the benefit.

I wouldn’t call him “good,” but he was then well-intentioned and honest, and still is.

James Buchanan OTOH.

Biden is also not second worst.

I don’t think you understand. There was a poll.

But is just objectively false to say he HAS been a bad president.
Good or bad is subjective. But I think one can say objectively Biden is one of the least popular presidents. That can be at least supported based on approval polls.

you’re a partisan hack

You know I am right so you spew insults, no surprise.

Sounds like Biden is undeniably a bad President. Maybe the second worst behind only Carter. Surely, you agree.

No way is Carter the worst. He unfairly got a bad rap for the botched Delta Force raid. If that had worked, he’d have been a hero in that instance. And didn’t get proper credit for defeating inflation - all the bad effects of the “tough love” fiscal and monetary policy happened in his term, and Reagan got the benefit.

I wouldn’t call him “good,” but he was then well-intentioned and honest, and still is.

James Buchanan OTOH.

Biden is also not second worst.

I don’t think you understand. There was a poll.

Ah gotcha, a few different polls being tossed around, hard to track what post is referring to what.

But I think the one you were referring to was mostly measuring 3rd-year approval rating. Not an ordinal list from bad to worst. Also only since WWII.

It’s an interesting conversation if a broad “approval” rating corresponds to how good a President actually is. Sometimes good leadership is about doing unpopular things. Carter being case in point when he intentionally (with Volcker) damaged the economy in the short term in order to amputate inflationary pressure. Which arguably worked. At least Volcker gets a lot of historical credit for it.

I do not like our current inclinination towards “celebrity” politicians who thrive on popularity. That veers towards populism. And I consider populism to be bad. Speaking both about MAGA shit and the Bernie rallies. Biden, at least, is no one’s celebrity, which is a good thing in my accounting.

I would tend to weight the opinion of credentialed historians more than popular opinion polls. Certainly when going very deep in history. Probably a low percentage of people know a lot about Buchanan. Or even Nixon.

you’re a partisan hack

You know I am right so you spew insults, no surprise.

Nice post deletion! I was worried you thought Qanon was correct about JFK making a comeback.

We don’t give them enough credit. I know with certainty my mind is incapable of this olympic level flexibility.

Yes, President Obama “traveled to 57 states,” and while he likely meant he made trips to different states 57 times and not that he doesn’t know how many states are in our union, he didn’t have his rich connected daddy help him dodge the draft then claim that dodging STDs was his own personal Vietnam, or pay off a porn star with hush money while married to his third wife, or start riffing on bleach and UV lights inside the body in the midst of a devastating and deadly pandemic which he grossly misunderestimated, deliberately downplayed to devastating effect, and then played to his political advantage.

So no, sorry, the right’s whattaboutism doesn’t hold water here. There are grossly misinformed and disinformed people on both ends of the political spectrum, but in today’s politics there’s only one side that is twisting themselves in pretzel knots to avoid what ten years ago would be universally condemned on the political and religious right.

Stop normalizing this behavior.
It absolutely does hold water, I’ve seen videos with left leaning dorks suddenly not being into abortion because their candidate isn’t… of course the interviewer is toying with them. Just like the video in your original post but you’re locked in your algorithm’d echo chamber of info I’m sure that all things right are evil and deranged. Don’t know you but I can clearly see how propagandized you are in your writings… congrats on being a puppet.

Can you point us to one?
I do not bookmark random videos I’ve seen on the net over the years. If this is a serious request, you’re on the internet obviously… do your own research. I’d try on a right leaning venue like Rumble if you really want to see this other side of the spectrum.

you’re a partisan hack

You know I am right so you spew insults, no surprise.

Nice post deletion! I was worried you thought Qanon was correct about JFK making a comeback.

I got a bit mixed up there with shift to 1960. I think Spockman is right about the 1960 election, there is a fair amount of evidence to support it…but that was 64 years ago. I have not seen anything like that recently.

And his Willy Horton moment just happened in GA one of the 3 key states above when an illegal alien hunted and killed a nursing student

If you’re talking about Laken Riley, any murder is tragic and ought not to have happened. But to take that one murder and claim it shows that the border should have been closed or that all illegals should be deported immediately makes as much sense as claiming that a single fatal shooting means that all guns should be seized.

Meantime Trump hasn’t lost a single supporter from 2020

Yeah. Ok. Well I’m sure that crack you’re smoking is lovely.

In some counties in Illionis more votes were counted than people living there when Kennedy and Nixon contested their election.

Can you provide some evidence for this claim? On the surface it seems rather far-fetched. Thanks.

I’m guessing he’s talking about this. Spockman is stating as known fact something that’s possible, but very much unproven. And that the Nixon and GOP failed to prove in court at the time.

Yeah, it’s not that I think there were no shenanigans in the 1960 election. But you would think it would be pretty easy to prove that level of fraud if it were true. And that doesn’t seem to have happened.

I do not like our current inclination towards “celebrity” politicians who thrive on popularity.

We suffer from this in the U.K. too. It’s (to use the HRC-ism correctly) deplorable. I’ve been trying to think why celebrity politicians gain traction these days.

One reason, IMO is the drift over the last 20 years of news towards entertainment. News has had to compete with entertainment on TV and on the internet. News is entertainment’s dull cousin. So news has had to spruce itself up, and make itself an attractive option. Hence it gets more superficial, and less demanding to digest.

And as it has drifted to entertainment, people who need to feature in the news to raise their profile and their popularity - eg politicians - have had to embrace the entertainment side of news by becoming more bombastic, outrageous, and trying to entertain. Then along comes Trump, with his Apprentice and WWF pedigree, and finds that the world of modern politics and media communication has arrived on his doorstep and is ringing his bell.

It’s disastrous: there is no place any more for serious cerebral people to run for important office.

And his Willy Horton moment just happened in GA one of the 3 key states above when an illegal alien hunted and killed a nursing student

If you’re talking about Laken Riley, any murder is tragic and ought not to have happened. But to take that one murder and claim it shows that the border should have been closed or that all illegals should be deported immediately makes as much sense as claiming that a single fatal shooting means that all guns should be seized.

Meantime Trump hasn’t lost a single supporter from 2020

Yeah. Ok. Well I’m sure that crack you’re smoking is lovely.

Good luck with that in GA. Between Lakin and big Fanny I’m sure your 12k vote win is safe in GA

Yeah because you’ have the vapors about Jan 6th I’m sure tons of voters for Trump in 2020 will overlook the disaster that is Biden and switch their vote.

Get lost Greg

Yeah, clearly.

And his Willy Horton moment just happened in GA one of the 3 key states above when an illegal alien hunted and killed a nursing student

If you’re talking about Laken Riley, any murder is tragic and ought not to have happened. But to take that one murder and claim it shows that the border should have been closed or that all illegals should be deported immediately makes as much sense as claiming that a single fatal shooting means that all guns should be seized.

Meantime Trump hasn’t lost a single supporter from 2020

Yeah. Ok. Well I’m sure that crack you’re smoking is lovely.

stay right where you are Greg. Fat dumb and complacent is exactly where those supporting Trump want you to be. I don’t particularly care but plenty do.

Gen Z Backs Donald Trump Shaking Up the Country (

Among respondents between the ages of 18 and 24, 65 percent said they believe he would “shake up the country for the better,” while only 35 percent view him as a "danger to democracy," according to the poll, which surveyed 2,022 registered voters from February 21 to 22.

6 in 10 See Illegal Immigration As Very Serious Problem | Monmouth University Polling Institute | Monmouth University

**A majority **of Americans support building a border wall **for the first time since Monmouth started asking this question **in 2015. Nearly half say the bipartisan border deal that was blocked in the U.S. Senate earlier this month is not tough enough on illegal immigration.

Leland Vittert’s War Notes: We Were Wrong (

We were wrong yesterday when headlining the beginning of War Notes “System Failure” and outlining all the times federal, state and local law enforcement failed, thus allowing the killing of Laken Riley. In fact, the system worked EXACTLY as designed.
Her suspected killer came to America illegally, crossed a border that had been left effectively open and was released by Border Patrol on a particularly flimsy claim of asylum. He went to New York City where he (allegedly) committed at least one crime we know of but was released without bail and without an ICE detainer because of policies like defunding the police and sanctuary city laws. He traveled to Athens, Georgia,** another sanctuary city**, where police cited him on charges of shoplifting and failure to appear **but again released him **each time and never called ICE.He allegedly “disfigured” Riley’s skull in a crime of opportunity and tried to stop her calling 911.
Evidently, the system is working in Venezuela too. That country hasn’t been this safe since 2001, thanks to a large influx of Venezuelans into America, including Riley’s murder suspect, Jose Ibarra.
**Of course, it’s not just Ibarra — the system “worked” **for Renzo Mendoza Montes, 32, who allegedly sexually assaulted a minor.
And it worked for the man who allegedly shot three D.C. cops trying to arrest him for animal cruelty.

here’s some more crack for you to smoke. Probably means nothing, ammirite?? This dude definitely won’t become the GA and national poster child for everything that is wrong with the border and no bail policies…

Seems like ideal time to pass a bipartisan Border Security bill.

Seems like ideal time to pass a bipartisan Border Security bill.

or “visit the border” and eat an ice cream cone. and try to blame somebody besides yourself.

bonus points if you accuse the other side of your bipartisan plan of not having a spine while not taking a single executive action in the process