The MAGA mind

Can you point us to one?
I do not bookmark random videos I’ve seen on the net over the years. If this is a serious request, you’re on the internet obviously… do your own research. I’d try on a right leaning venue like Rumble if you really want to see this other side of the spectrum.

I don’t think videos that would be considered equivalent exist, at least not in significant numbers. I’m sure there are nutty leftists out there, but I doubt you could find gatherings of left leaning people all echoing talking points shared with the party’s politicians. Who is the right wing equivalent to Jordan Klepper or Jimmy Kimmel?

We’ve finally advanced the whataboutism argument to the point that we no longer even need to provide the whataboutism.

Seems like ideal time to pass a bipartisan Border Security bill.

There was one on the table but the GOP chose party over country.

I do not like our current inclinination towards “celebrity” politicians who thrive on popularity. That veers towards populism. And I consider populism to be bad. Speaking both about MAGA shit and the Bernie rallies. Biden, at least, is no one’s celebrity, which is a good thing in my accounting.

This is really well said. You’ve captured thoughts I’ve had but I haven’t attempted to articulate. You should cut and paste it in response every time Tyler gloats about approval ratings. I want a leader in charge, not a celebrity.

Seems like ideal time to pass a bipartisan Border Security bill.

There was one on the table but the GOP chose Trump over country.


Seems like ideal time to pass a bipartisan Border Security bill.

There was one on the table but the GOP chose Trump over country.


Americans aren’t buying the bullshit u nutcase and Biden are selling

Seems like ideal time to pass a bipartisan Border Security bill.

or “visit the border” and eat an ice cream cone. and try to blame somebody besides yourself.

bonus points if you accuse the other side of your bipartisan plan of not having a spine while not taking a single executive action in the process

Ah, so now we’ve moved on from Taylor Swift to eating ice cream. Wasn’t sure why that bothered you until I saw that the cartoon version of you, Jesse Waters, made sure to tell all the alpha males how eating ice cream in public isn’t manly. You guys are afraid of the dumbest things.

Seems like ideal time to pass a bipartisan Border Security bill.

or “visit the border” and eat an ice cream cone. and try to blame somebody besides yourself.

bonus points if you accuse the other side of your bipartisan plan of not having a spine while not taking a single executive action in the process

Ah, so now we’ve moved on from Taylor Swift to eating ice cream. Wasn’t sure why that bothered you until I saw that the cartoon version of you, Jesse Waters, made sure to tell all the alpha males how eating ice cream in public isn’t manly. You guys are afraid of the dumbest things.

Afraid of being replaced is at the top off the list.

Seems like ideal time to pass a bipartisan Border Security bill.

or “visit the border” and eat an ice cream cone. and try to blame somebody besides yourself.

bonus points if you accuse the other side of your bipartisan plan of not having a spine while not taking a single executive action in the process

Ah, so now we’ve moved on from Taylor Swift to eating ice cream. Wasn’t sure why that bothered you until I saw that the cartoon version of you, Jesse Waters, made sure to tell all the alpha males how eating ice cream in public isn’t manly. You guys are afraid of the dumbest things.

Andy Roddick is on to Tyler

Seems like ideal time to pass a bipartisan Border Security bill.

There was one on the table but the GOP chose Trump over country.


Americans aren’t buying the bullshit u nutcase and Biden are selling
It really does seem to bother you that Biden and the Dems scored big points on immigration. I think we have all agreed in the past that using Congressional action to solve legislative issues is much preferred to EOs. So things were going down a path of doing what the vast majority of the country wants and we’re cock blocked by Trump. Pretty sure Americans are buying that argument.

Now Biden can play both sides by saying they tried while still appeasing his liberal extremists. Nothing burns more than getting out maneuvered.

Seems like ideal time to pass a bipartisan Border Security bill.

or “visit the border” and eat an ice cream cone. and try to blame somebody besides yourself.

bonus points if you accuse the other side of your bipartisan plan of not having a spine while not taking a single executive action in the process

Ah, so now we’ve moved on from Taylor Swift to eating ice cream. Wasn’t sure why that bothered you until I saw that the cartoon version of you, Jesse Waters, made sure to tell all the alpha males how eating ice cream in public isn’t manly. You guys are afraid of the dumbest things.

I’ve been convinced for awhile that Tylertri is the cartoon version of Tylertri.

It absolutely does hold water, I’ve seen videos with left leaning dorks suddenly not being into abortion because their candidate isn’t…

Post them. Post videos of Biden supporters criticizing something indefensible that Biden did thinking that it was Trump or some other R politician and then defending it when they learn it was Biden.

I’m asking specifically about this candidate and this President because what we’re seeing flipped and defended or ignored now is literally unprecedented in American political history. Ninety one felony charges. Paying off porn stars for cheating on his pregnant wife (or was it his prior marriage with the cheating on his pregnant wife, I can’t keep track), mocking war heroes as a draft dodger himself, etc etc. So put up or shut up and stop making false equivalencies.

The fact that I and others here recognize cult-like behavior when we see it does not de facto renders us cult-like in our opposition. It’s a matter of objective reality and Trumpers are uniquely adept at self deception beyond the normal boundaries of every day bias.

I would like him to explain what “being into abortion” means.

While he is searching for those videos maybe he can also find examples of Biden supporters being grifted out of their money?

Made In Macedonia: Americans Lose Millions Buying Fake Donald Trump Debit Cards (

The list of examples of MAGA rubes being grifted out of their money is endless.

I would like him to explain what “being into abortion” means.

It absolutely does hold water, I’ve seen videos with left leaning dorks suddenly not being into abortion because their candidate isn’t…

Post them. Post videos of Biden supporters criticizing something indefensible that Biden did thinking that it was Trump or some other R politician and then defending it when they learn it was Biden.

I’m asking specifically about this candidate and this President because what we’re seeing flipped and defended or ignored now is literally unprecedented in American political history. Ninety one felony charges. Paying off porn stars for cheating on his pregnant wife (or was it his prior marriage with the cheating on his pregnant wife, I can’t keep track), mocking war heroes as a draft dodger himself, etc etc. So put up or shut up and stop making false equivalencies.

The fact that I and others here recognize cult-like behavior when we see it does not de facto renders us cult-like in our opposition. It’s a matter of objective reality and Trumpers are uniquely adept at self deception beyond the normal boundaries of every day bias.

MAGA theories thrive in vague generalizations. When pressed for specifics, they usually fall apart.

It absolutely does hold water, I’ve seen videos with left leaning dorks suddenly not being into abortion because their candidate isn’t…

Post them. Post videos of Biden supporters criticizing something indefensible that Biden did thinking that it was Trump or some other R politician and then defending it when they learn it was Biden.

I’m asking specifically about this candidate and this President because what we’re seeing flipped and defended or ignored now is literally unprecedented in American political history. Ninety one felony charges. Paying off porn stars for cheating on his pregnant wife (or was it his prior marriage with the cheating on his pregnant wife, I can’t keep track), mocking war heroes as a draft dodger himself, etc etc. So put up or shut up and stop making false equivalencies.

The fact that I and others here recognize cult-like behavior when we see it does not de facto renders us cult-like in our opposition. It’s a matter of objective reality and Trumpers are uniquely adept at self deception beyond the normal boundaries of every day bias.

MAGA theories thrive in vague generalizations. When pressed for specifics, they usually fall apart.

Are there any that haven’t?

It absolutely does hold water, I’ve seen videos with left leaning dorks suddenly not being into abortion because their candidate isn’t…

Post them. Post videos of Biden supporters criticizing something indefensible that Biden did thinking that it was Trump or some other R politician and then defending it when they learn it was Biden.

I’m asking specifically about this candidate and this President because what we’re seeing flipped and defended or ignored now is literally unprecedented in American political history. Ninety one felony charges. Paying off porn stars for cheating on his pregnant wife (or was it his prior marriage with the cheating on his pregnant wife, I can’t keep track), mocking war heroes as a draft dodger himself, etc etc. So put up or shut up and stop making false equivalencies.

The fact that I and others here recognize cult-like behavior when we see it does not de facto renders us cult-like in our opposition. It’s a matter of objective reality and Trumpers are uniquely adept at self deception beyond the normal boundaries of every day bias.

We’re still waiting for BigJohn to post his videos.

Ha ha! Whatever happened to that guy?

Ha ha! Whatever happened to that guy?

Tied up in court working on the copyright issues with those videos.

Ha ha! Whatever happened to that guy?

I’m pretty sure he popped back up once or twice under another name, his posting style was relatively distinct, and then was gone for good.